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那家大公司兼并了多家小商行。The big company merged various small businesses.

司法长官负责监督不给小商小贩发营业执照。The sheriff sees that peddlers and salesmen are not given permits.

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事实上,那里是个充满活力的商业区,充斥着小商小贩。But they're actually vibrant business centers filled with scrappy entrepreneurs.

这项服务对于那些通常不带信用卡的小商户来说绝对是福音。The service has been a particular boon for smaller merchants who don't normally take plastic.

要知道,那些小商小贩的商品很多是不符和国家卫生标准的。They often buy some snacks from vendors which both don't conform to the standards of hygiene.

正确认识小商小贩的商人法律地位,具有广泛的经济、政治和社会意义。Understanding small retailers' legal status is of significance in economics, politics and society.

近年来随着城市街头流动的小商小贩的增多,引起了一系列问题。More and more street venders are there on the streets in the cities and thus give rise to many social problems.

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一些小商户为持卡消费设立最低消费额,以补偿交易成本。Some small merchants require credit purchases to have a minimum amount to compensate for the transaction costs.

“有一头野猪冲进了一家小商店内,直接威胁到了店内一位女售货员的生命安全,”当地警方在一份声明中说。"One wild boar entered a boutique, scaring the daylights out of a saleswoman, " local police said in a statement.

小商小贩在我国广泛存在,对我国的经济发展起着重要作用。Small retailers are widely existed in our country and they play an important role in the process of economic development.

检视否认小商小贩商人地位的主张,可发现支持该主张的法理并不成立。An examination of refusing small retailers' legal status indicates that the legal principles about this are not reasonable.

他们也可以采取的形式是一个小商店内的广告,使人们可以购买这些多克的裤子没有去缝的网站。They can also take the form of a mini-store within the ad so people can buy those Docker pants without going to the Gap's site.

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多数华裔美国人都是小商业主,他们需要低税收、更少的政府管制,来让他们的生意好转。Most Chinese-Americans are petty proprietors, who need lower tax rate, less government controls to make their businesses run well.

小商户生存难,香港政府的官商勾结和无能是直接影响大众你我的。The independent stores hardly survive. This is how the government collude with the consortium which affect all of us as a citizen.

早先,当人们过年来庙里拜神祈福时,小商小贩也会在寺庙附近做生意,于是就有了庙会。Temple fairs began when groups of vendors did business near temples when many pilgrims came to worship the gods during traditional festivals.

在公园的每个角落,都有出售T恤衫、腕套与工艺品的商贩,一些人抱怨,这些小商小贩行为在损及“占领华尔街”运动。On every corner of the park, vendors sell buttons, T-shirts, wristbands and artwork, leading some to complain that the merchandising is undermining the movement.

这位年青创业者创办公司的时候,曾从亲戚朋友开的小商小铺那里搜寻来旧桌子、旧椅子之类的办公家具。When he started his company the young entrepreneur used to scrounge for office furniture such as old desks and chairs from small businesses owned by his relatives and friends.

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但是,理论界对其地位的界定存有争议,立法上对其地位规定也不明确,造成了小商小贩生存发展的诸多不便。However, there exist disputes about their status in the theoretical circle and there are no definite regulations, which lead to the disadvantageous development of small retailers.