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三好学生怎么翻?Three good student?

著名的三好街。The famous SanHao street.

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他象你一样是个三好学生。He like you is three-good student.

你想成为一名三好学生吗?Do you wants to be a model student?

他们是本学期的三好学生。They are 3—good students in this term.

1991年被评为“三好”学生。Elected a "Three Goods" Student in 1991.

“三好学生”、“学习标兵”称号。"Miyoshi students", "learning model" title.

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后来我才知道,啵啵是三好学生呢。Bo-bo was a good student who knows everything.

本人是优秀团员,三好学生。Xuejing is a outstanding student at her school.

她是三好学生中最激昂大方的。She is the most generous among the three good students.

我多次被评为“三好”学生。I was chosen as a“Three Goods” student for several times.

刘三好被编入由锺雪霞管理的司制,负责掌管刺绣。Xia Division of Management system, in charge of embroidery.

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现在,金融公司招的都是长春藤联盟的“三好学生”。Now financial firms recruit from the cream of the Ivy League.

我在大学里有好几次被评为“三好学生”。I was honored as a" Three Virtues" in university serval times.

姜雪静学习成绩优异,一直是三好学生。Xuejing works very hard in school and gets outstanding grades.

他不但是“三好学生”,而且是“优秀班干部”。He is not only "Miyoshi students" and are "outstanding class cadres. "

常规赛结束后,湖人取得了联盟第三好的成绩。The Lakers finished the regular season with the third-best record in the league.

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在此,你认为获得三好学生和优秀学生干部荣誉的学生需要加分吗?Do you think the students with such titles should be awarded with 10-point bonus?

信息技术中心设在三好街,在该市南部的一部分。The information technology center is in Sanhao street, in the southern part of the city.

就在罗三好心中叫苦不迭时,八路军主力突然过来增援。In Luo Miyoshi heart complain incessantly, the Eight Route Army main reinforcements came.