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皇家礼炮还是12年陈酿?Royal Salute or 12 years?

皇家赛马会是一个赛马比赛。Royal Ascot is a horse race.

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是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

你来皇家港干什么,史密斯先生?Smith. Or Smithy, if you like.

关键在于是“他们”,皇家马德里。The key word was 'they'. Madrid.

皇家宠物食品公司是玛氏旗下的品牌。Royal Canin is a division of Mars.

皇家卫队仍在这里执行任务。The Danish Royal Guard is on duty.

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无论是皇家空军的轰炸机或是鱼雷艇都还没能威胁到她。bomb or torpedo had yet shaken her.

你能给我们讲讲皇家赛马会是什么吗?Can you tell us what Royal Ascot is?

皇家军队于1527年洗劫了罗马城。Imperial troops sacked Rome in 1527.

它过去曾是皇家海军学院。It used to be the Royal Naval College.

皇家骑警的一名代表拒绝置评。An RCMP representative declined comment.

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我不也是属于皇家马厩的嘛?And don't I belong to the royal stables?

皇家空军官员及其他军阶。Royal air force officers and other ranks.

帕娅是一名服务于塞诺比亚皇家的乳母。Served as a nanny to the Zenobian family.

阿黛尔皇家艾伯特大厅演唱会。Adele. Live. At. The. Royal. Albert. Hall.

好的,12年皇家礼炮怎么样?All right. How about Royal Salute 12 year?

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紫色是凯撒大帝的皇家色系。Purple was the royal color of the Caesars.

前塞诺比亚皇家警备队的队长。Former captain of the Zenobian Royal Guard.

子弹擦着皇家骑警的脸颊飞过。The bullet just shaved the Mountie's cheek.