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真是名副其实的山水画!It's a landscape painting indeed.

他画起山水画儿来得心应手。He paints landscapes with great facility.

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中囯山水画史修订本。The history of Chinese landscape painting.

这幅山水画令我为之摒息。This landscape really takes my breath away.

就像一幅美丽的山水画。is just like a beautiful landscape painting.

这位画家以其山水画著称。The drawer is famous for his landscape painting.

梅峰上珍藏着一幅巨型的山水画。There is a huge landscape painting kept up there.

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他的山水画艺术曾得到李璟的垂青。His landscape painting had been favored Z, Li Jing.

这幅山水画已臻化境。This landscape painting is a consummate work of art.

我更喜欢写意画,尤其是山水画.I prefer Xieyi painting, especially the landscape paintings.

画家黄国强擅长墨彩人物与焦墨山水画。Mr Huang is good at Color Ink character and Burnt Ink landscape.

梅峰上珍藏着一幅巨型的山水画。On top of Meifeng there is a huge and valuable landscape painting.

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从那些山水画中我总能找到平静与和谐的感觉。I can always sense peace and harmony from those landscape paintings.

宜兴县从远处看,就像一幅山水画。Yixing county looks from afar like a traditional landscape painting.

拍品的山水画面之材质原为设色纸本,应更正为设色绢本。The material of the painting side should read ink and colour on silk.

在中国历代画论中,论及山水画写生的不多。There aren ' t many theories about landscape sketching in ancient china.

早期专心研习古人书画,特别在山水画方面卓有成就。Early on, especially in the study calligraphy painting aspect successful.

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人们把龙陵比喻成一幅风光秀丽的山水画。Longling is compared to a landscape painting with superb natural scenery.

为什么中国传统的水墨山水画出现在晚唐?Why is traditional Chinese ink landscape painting in the late Tang Dynasty?

傅抱石在艺术上崇尚革新,他的艺术创作以山水画成就最大。Fu Chong Shangge new in art, his artistic achievements in painting the most.