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端庄可为女人增添光彩。Modesty is ornament of woman.

这条裙子使她增添了魅力。The skirt lends charm to her.

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青草增添景色之美。Grass beautifies the landscape.

不会给缪斯的冠冕增添一分光彩。No adjunct to the Muses' diadem.

端庄可为妇女增添光彩。Modesty is the ornament of woman.

我可以增添神的荣耀。I can macramé to the glory of God.

盐巴和胡椒为食物增添美味。Salt and pepper add flavor to food.

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让我们一起行动起来,为世博增添光彩。Let us move, add luster for the expo.

有些团体想办法为捐赠活动增添更多的情趣。Some groups try to make donating fun.

苹果会在今夏增添这个功能。Apple will add that ability this summer.

音乐为我的生活增添情趣,并振奋我的精神。Music enrich my life and lift my spirit.

红旗给街道增添了色彩。The red flags lent colour to the street.

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某海洋调查船要在原线型上增添一球鼻艏。An ocean survey ship needs a bulbous bow.

我努力给我的角色增添几分色彩。I endeavoured to give colour to my rôole.

这许许多多旗帜给街道增添了色彩。The many flags lend colur to the streets.

他们知道我会增添一点小花样。They knew that I would add a little twist.

加一茶匙柠檬皮到汤里增添风味。Add one teaspoon of lemon zest to the soup.

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假山和鱼塘更增添几分情趣!Stone hill and fish pond offer lots of fun!

就用墙纸来增添你家的价值吧。Add value to your home today with wallpaper.

它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。It gives our little meals an eastern flavor.