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网球用品专门店。Tennis pro shop.

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升级你的运动用品。Upgrade your exercise.

我的个人用品。My personal properties.

她到处推销文具用品。She travels in stationery.

他经营着一家床上用品商店。He runs a shop for bedding.

补充客用品。Replenishes guest supplies.

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有生活起居用品吗?Is there any life necessary?

请自带洗浴用品。Please use your own toilette.

这马只是一个雇用品。The horse is only a hireling.

这些是我的个人用品。They are my personal effects.

补充浴室用品。Replenishes bathroom supplies.

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相反,选择用温和的清洁用品。Instead, choose mild cleansers.

宠物玩具等一系列宠物用品。Pet toys and other pet supplies.

互联网渗透到日常用品The Internet in Everyday Objects

他每天卖学习用品。He sells school things every day.

我只带了我的个人用品。I carry only my personal effects.

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莎弗郎尼娅夫人——经营各种头发用品。Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kind.

这假胡子是他的伪装用品。This false beard is his disguise.

使用舒适的床上用品。and use very comfortable bedding.