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原因——?The reason--?

是外卖的原因吗?The takeaway?

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原因何在?And the reason?

你想知道原因。You wonder why.

原因是蜥蜴脑。The lizard brain.

你来,站起来告诉我们原因?Yes. Stand up. Why?

这就是我写作的原因。This is why I write.

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原因在于市场营销和芬达的历史。Marketing and history.

所有显然的原因!All the obvious reasons!

原因在于,他昨晚梦见我与他最好的朋友鬼混。In his dream last night.

我想有很多原因吧。Lots of reasons I guess.

这是无穷的原因。That's why the infinity.

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可能是什么原因呢?What could be the cause?

这就是我成功的原因。And that’s why I succeed.

“那究竟是什么原因呢?”"And what reason is that?

这是人们过度消费的原因。It's why people overspend.

那么,会有需要更多的原因想要吃点心吗?Need more reasons to nosh?

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这就是价格上涨的原因。That’s why the price rose.

可能还有其他原因。There may be other causes.

找出故障发生的原因.Find out why this happened.