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这回答干脆利落。It was a crisp answer.

它是一个干脆利落的视觉冲击。It has a crisp visual impact.

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她的声音干脆利落,具有权威性。Her voice was crisp and authoritative.

我干脆利落地击球,命中了目标。I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.

他说话干脆利落,完全没有哼哼哈哈的腔调。He has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from umms and ers.

最后发现自己很难把这些见解压缩成三到四条有力的观点,并用干脆利落的语句表达出来。He finds it hard to pare them down to three or four compelling points and present them in crisp, short sentences.

只见他扬手一挥,干脆利落地撇出一句话,立刻就轰走了当地的一群小青年,给我们腾出了一张桌子。With a swish of his hand and staccato phrase, he shooed a bevy of young locals away, clearing a table for us in the process.

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然而,这三名伟大球员之所以得到全世界的尊敬,却是因为他们坚定的决心以及干脆利落,却从未过火的铲球。All three, however, were respected the world over for their determination and tough tackling, which never overstepped the mark.

是的,有时候汤姆做事喜欢干脆利落,说干就干,这种做事风格帮助他搞定了很多大订单,但不幸地是,这次惹到了弗兰克。Yes, sometimes Tom liked to shoot from the hip, but that style had helped him land some big accounts.Unfortunately, it roiled Frank.

但基于目前的情况,约翰·麦凯恩在佛罗里达初选干脆利落的完胜让他成为共和党候选人中的领跑者,尽管麦凯恩比他的主要竞争对手米特·罗姆尼的竞选经费少得多。But, as of today, John McCain is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, thanks to a clear, hanging chad-free victory in Florida.

尼克的行刑刀如同他的资质一样又笨又钝,他挥舞着砍下来,人却死不了,反而在弥留着痛苦尖叫,从来没有哪个受害者死的干脆利落。No victim ever died swiftly, but lingered on in screaming agony as Nick hacked and chopped away with a sword that was as dull as his wits.

19日晚,在奥运会女排1/4决赛中,卫冕冠军中国女排干脆利落地以3比0横扫雅典奥运会决赛对手俄罗斯,昂首挺进四强。Defending champion China beat 2004 runners-up Russia 3-0 to advance into the semifinals of the Olympic women's volleyball tournament on Tuesday evening.

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“每一人,无论他的罪孽如何深重,同样有权利忏悔他的罪过,净化他的心灵。你叫什么名字?”巫师干脆利落的问道。"Every man, no matter how heinous his crime, has the right to confess his guilt and cleanse his soul. What is your name?" questioned the wizard crisply.

这样导致一个更干脆利落的分类系统,排除掉了昂贵的选择-为两类群体提供单独的方案和不同的服务等。It makes for a much neater classification system, and precludes the more expensive option of providing a separate program and different services for both groups.