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上帝说和把你自己和别人攀比是愚蠢的。God says it's stupid to compare yourself to others.

一个女生怎么知道怎么说和做让人看起来不那么疯狂呢?How does a woman know what to say or do and not seem crazy?

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一次好的谈话,就是一次好的说和听的混合。A great conversation is a good blend of talking and listening.

教育是什么?有各种界说和诠释。What is education?There are many definitions and explanations.

维特尔,和我们说说和库比卡之间的事故。Q. Sebastian Vettel, tell us about the incident with Robert Kubica.

他知道该怎么说和做才能把价钱压到超低。He knew what exactly to say and do to drive the prices down really low.

说和做是两码事---约翰。海伍德,英国作家。Saying and doing are two different things---John Hywood, English writer.

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当时弗雷尔否认和他有任何暧昧,并说和克罗斯只是朋友关系。At the time Friel denied any romance an said that Cross was just a friend.

在我们握手道别的时候,我顺口说和她已经有一段时间没有见面了。As I wished her good-bye, I remarked that I had not seen her for quite a while.

说和写,是输出和释放,也可以说是基于反馈的进修。Bs output and release, speaking and writing function as feedback-based learning.

她认为公立学校应该同时教授上帝创世说和进化论。She supports the teaching of creationism in public schools, alongside evolution.

其成气假说主要有合成气说和地球脱气说。The gas-forming hypotheses are mainly synthetic gas and earth outgas hypotheses.

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您的朋友和家人不明白你是演说和狂言的。Your friends and family do not understand what you are ranting and raving about.

其法理基础是租税债务关系说和税收程序效率论。Its basics involve tax debt relations theory and tax procedures efficiency theory.

目前大质量恒星形成的理论主要有两种,即吸积说和并合说。There are two main theories concerning massive star formation, accretion and merger.

直到17世纪才有牛顿的微粒说和笛卡尔的波动说。Until 17 century the theory of Newton's particulate and Descartes's wave_moving were found.

孩子们每隔六周进行一次考试,检查他们的读、写、说和听力。Kids are tested every six weeks on their reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension.

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虽然说和嘉宾们都是很好的朋友,但丑话说前头。Although honored guests of compose a quarrel are very good friend, but ugly word says thereinbefore.

崖13-1气田自发现以来,仅烃源就有煤气说、高压气包说和双源说。There have been various hypothesis about the formation of Ya 13 1 gas field since it was discovered.

激活英语词汇可以通过简短的想想或者说一说和你即将学习的主题来进行。Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on.