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电影中角色分配不当。The film is miscast.

CEO的职责是分配资源。CEOs allocate resources.

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在物资分配模型方面。The model of Alot Material.

举证责任如何分配?。How to divide onus probandi?

然后我们分配内存。We then allocate the memory.

我所做的是请求分配内存。All I did was ask for memory.

科技创新产权的分配政策。The allocation policy of STIP.

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为对象分配空间。Allocates space for the object.

实现一个简单的分配程序Implementing a simple allocator

如果留空不预先分配。Leave blank if not pre-assigned.

积极调整收入分配关系。We adjusted income distribution.

不仅仅是一个分配问题not just a distributive question

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开发商把那块地分配好了。The developers parceled the land.

这里也有首页分配。There were also home assignments.

那么,你怎样分配一个指针数据?So, how do you allocate a pointee?

工作分配得很公平。The work was portioned out fairly.

视频分配放大器?。VDA? Video Distributing Amplifier?

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我们的资金分配情况如何?How does AFK manage incoming funds?

这就意味着我们要按份额分配That means we're allocating shares.

这笔奖金必须公平分配。The bonus must be dealt out fairly.