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这是数位时代的血汗工厂。This is the digital-era sweatshop.

税务员正想榨尽我的血汗。The tax man is trying to bleed me white.

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资本家靠榨取工人的血汗来养肥自己。The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers.

也许这也是邓加大力强调血汗价值的原因。Perhaps that is why Dunga preaches such sweat and toil.

如果说这些是血汗工厂,那么丽兹大饭店也是个简陋的客栈。If these are sweatshops , the Ritz hotel is a doss-house.

柴桂凤骗画吸画家血汗!Chai Guifeng deceive artist painting suck blood and sweat!

如今他还能靠榨取雇员的血汗来养肥自己吗?。Can he still batten upon the blood of the employees nowadays?

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这是用劳动人民的血汗建成的。It was built with the blood and sweat of the labouring people.

就如政客们常说的,这关乎到我们的血汗和财富。It is, as politicians like to say, about our blood and treasure.

他说,工厂里的工作并不怎么样,但那里也并非血汗工厂。While a factory job might not be great, he said, it was no sweatshop.

天桥就是他们施展技艺的地方,也是他们出卖血汗赖以生存的地方。Flyover is wielding his skill and where they betray sweatshop survival place.

但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

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发明是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的血汗。The invention is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

我年轻的时候练武,可是用尽了血汗泪啊!做不来就一遍一遍再一遍地做。When I was young I used my all my blood, sweat and tears while practicing Kung Fu.

白宫,现在已是他的官邸,却曾是用黑奴的血汗筑成。This White House, which is now his house, was built with the labor of black slaves.

在报告中,苹果反映了它使用的血汗工厂的情况。In its report, Apple revealed the sweatshop conditions inside the factories it uses.

瞧,我知道,美国人很难接受,血汗工厂可以给人帮助。Look, I know that Americans have a hard time accepting that sweatshops can help people.

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“所谓的血汗工厂,”她写道,“肯定应当受到欢迎和鼓励。”“So-called sweatshops,” she writes, “are most definitely to be welcomed and encouraged.

它是一个人的权力欲望的永存记录。也是几百万劳动者的血汗的永存记录。Here is a lasting record of one man's desire for power-and-the work of unknown millions.

空气污浊,环境嘈杂,这里对孩子们的稚嫩头脑来说有点儿像是一间血汗工厂。The air is stale. It is a disturbing scene, sort of like a sweatshop for children's brains.