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三峡合影,爱的印证。Sanxia Photo, Evidence of Our Love.

透过外师的引导,印证科学的奥妙与乐趣。Discover the mystery and fun of science.

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一是实行准印证制度。Firstly, instituting a printing permit system.

现实情况确实印证了李相禹所言。The reality is indeed confirmed Lee Sang Yu said.

这个看法在这次会谈中也有所印证。This perception has been proved during the talks.

最近又有个例子印证了这一魔咒。There is another example in accord with the curse.

也许有些事情印证了老梅所说的。Maybe there is something to what Mayweather Sr. said.

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反复的曝光和大量的报道似乎印证着这个观点。Repeated exposés and numerous reports tend to confirm this.

信不信由你,美容品消费趋势也印证了这一点。And believe it or not, trends in beauty-buying back that up.

Linux和fetchmail都印证了这个观点。Both the Linux and fetchmail projects show evidence of this.

这印证了校园爱情往往只是短暂的梦想。It turns out that love on campus is commonly short and dreamful.

德东人的国族认同似乎印证此一说法。The terms of pre East German seem in support of this indication.

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它印证了我们历史上某个瞬间的武断、激进和荒唐。It represents an arbitrary, radical and absurd moment of our history.

会众必须印证他的呼召与事奉的恩赐。Must be affirmed by the congregation of his calling and ministry gifts.

澄清的河水真的印证了“天下黄河贵德清”。Clarified water really confirms the " world of the Yellow River GUI deqing".

他的眼睛,只在我的记忆里反复加以印证,却不能够表达。His eyes reminisced again and again in my memory, but can never be expressed.

路边的小河道和一座座石桥再一次印证了它水城这个名字。The small river courses and stone bridges prove again that it is a water city.

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微软第三季度的销售额恰恰也印证了个人电脑市场的这种乐观情绪。Microsoft’s third-quarter figures backed up this optimism around the PC market.

当时的民意调查印证了肯尼迪的说法,政客确实并不受人欢迎。Polls from the time bear out JFK's maxim about the unpopularity of politicians.

玛赛尔·德阿尔吉·史密斯的态度印证了该调查结果。64岁的她也属于婴儿潮一代。The attitude of Marcelle D'Argy Smith, a baby boomer at 64, echoed the findings.