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说来话长!真是一言难尽!It's a long story!

一言难尽。说来话长。It's a long story.

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它保护着我说来话长了。It protects me. Long story.

我的事说来话长,并且令人因感想而悲伤。Mine is a long and sad tale.

我是怎么来到这里的说来话长。How I got here is a long story.

这个故事说来话长。"It’s a long story," Chen said.

我是有理由的。说来话长。I am excused for an important reason.

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当然。说来话长啊,但我永远也不会忘记。Sure. It's a long story and I'll never forget.

说来话长,还是让我们看看沃尔帕是怎么开始的吧。It's a long story. Let's just see how Wolpe did that.

“哎,说来话长啊!”呜兹讲起他自己的故事。Hey, long story! "Woods started to talk about his own story".

“还有一事禀报,”我说,“这可就说来话长了。"I've a further report to make, " I said, "and a pretty long one.

说来话长,整个故事是因为我正和安妮谈恋爱。It's a long story. The long and the short of it is I'm in love with Annie.

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说来话长,不过长话短说,他被另一个坏蛋干掉了。It’s a long story, but put it in a nutshell, he got killed by another bad guy.

说来话长了。简单的说呢,她误认为我嘲笑过她,其实我没有。It is a long story. Basically, she thought I had laughed at her while I didn't.

追溯幸运饼的故事说来话长,就像忽然扯开一根长长的纱线。Following the story of the fortune cookie was like pulling a long piece of yarn.

这说来话长。无论如何,如果他有转工的话,他就不会跟苏珊分开了。It's a long story. Anyway, if he had changed his job, he wouldn't have broken up with Susan.

“月月,说来话长,你怎么也被带到这里的?”小青拉着月月坐了下来。" Moon, dwell on it at greater length, how do you have been brought here?" Green took on Sat.

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说来话长。昨天早上我在公园里骑车,突然看见两只狗。它们在追一只猫。It's a long story. Yesterday morning, I was riding my bike in the park, suddenly I saw two dogs. They were running after a cat.

说来话长,都是些关于蕾露和这些她认为被生物学家虐待的动物的纠结事。It's a long story that involves Raylou's getting too involved with rescuing animals she thinks are being tortured by biologists.

这说来话长了,就近而言,这跟我所任职的研究生院有关,我在不同的大学任职。Yeah it goes back to a long time in my life, but most immediately to my own graduate career, which I went to several different schools.