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这家店闲居是早上9点开门吗?Does the shop open at 9 feel on weekdays?

用我父亲的话说,他在闲居。He is kicking his heel, as my father would say.

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她退休后闲居在家。After she retired, she lived in leisure at home.

结束了职业生涯后,她闲居在家。After the end of her career, she lives in leisure at home.

罢官闲居三十余载,以诗丈自娱。Dismissal homebound three more than ten years of poetry husband amused.

但是思想、性格的差异影响到了二人罢官闲居期间的处世心态、行为方式和创作水准。But their operas were different because of the difference of their ideas and character.

家庭看护专业学习如何给闲居家中的病人提供日常护理和帮助。Home health aide majors learn how to provide routine care and aid to homebound patients.

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现在闲居之乐让你最开心,如果还没有自己的窝,现在也是购屋的好时机。You'll be happiest now puttering around your own place. If you don't have one, it's also a good time to shop for real estate.

在家闲居和参观博物馆的人,这两个有本质不同的产品,居然都属于当代流行的文化旅游的范畴。Home stays and visits to museums, essentially different products, are both included in the current popular definition of cultural tourism.

其作品涉及多个题材,有山水、寺庙、酬赠、拜谒、闲居、宫词、乐府、边塞等。The work involves a number of subjects, there is scenery, temples, reward gift, paid respects, homebound, Palace word, verse, frontier so.

在所有的悲伤中,齐达内相信那些说贝克汉姆准备在加利福尼亚闲居的观点极为离谱。Yet amid all the sadness, Zidane believes suggestions that Beckham is ready to be put out to grass in California are totally wide of the mark.

陈龙正在闲居或退职居乡时对于嘉善的慈善事业有着很高的建树,直接而有效地拯救了众多处于困境中的人。Chen makes a great achievement in Jiashan when he is homebound or retirement, he saved a large number of people in distress directly and effectively.

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楚剑功心想,这四句诗是郭嵩焘晚年,在官场上遭受了挫折,在家闲居时写下的。The Chu sword achievement wishes, these four poems are Guo Song Tao's old ages, suffered frustrate ashore the officialdom, not in bureau at home write down.

在爱尔兰,超市连锁店两周前推出网上售货以来,访问的顾客至少达15,000人,他们当中有忙忙碌碌的经理们,也有闲居家中的人。Iceland, the supermarket chain, began computer shopping trials two weeks ago and has already signed up at least 15,000 customers, ranging from busy executives to the houesbound.