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在古代汉语词尾研究中,“助词”、“词尾”、“词缀”概念混淆。There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese.

虚词研究包括介词、助词、连词。The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.

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本文考察日语提示助词表达的评价性意义。This paper studies the evaluative meanings of Japanese toritate-particles.

曲靖方言动词的体标记大多是用虚化或半虚化的助词来表示。Most of aspects in Qujing dialect were expressed by emptily auxiliary words.

但日文的助词与中文所谓的介词在语法上是可以相对应的吗?Do Japanese auxiliary and Chinese preposition correspond to each other in the grammar?

在动态助词的习得过程中,印尼留学生表现出了自己的习得特点。In the process of acquisition, students from Indonesia have their own characteristics.

但从表达语法手段看,英语和哈萨克语均可用动词变化形式或助词来表达“时”的语法意义。But in both languages, some kinds of tenses can be expressed by the same grammar means.

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他动词跟宾语,即前面的体词后面跟宾格助词。He object of the verb with that word in front of the body followed by accusative particle.

约量的表达方式般为“数助词”加数量结构。Estimates expression of the general as "Number of utterances" Plus the number of structure.

韩国语的助词和敬语很发达,这是韩国语语法的一大特点。The particle and honorific of Korean are well-developed, which is a Korean grammar feature.

汉语语气词属功能助词,其语气义是难以捉摸的。Chinese modal particles belong to functional auxiliary words, whose modal meanings are elusive.

在语法文体论手段方面,主要使用了表示强调和尊敬的助词。In aspect of means in the grammar of style, the main use of the particle for emphasis and respect.

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汉中方言中的助词“倒”既是体貌标记又俱形容词词尾功能。The auxiliary "dao" in Hanzhong dialect serves not only as an aspect marker but also as an adjective suffix.

于是我们可以通过在词之后接续助词、助动词这一手段来补充词的语法意义。As a result, we can supplement a words grammatical meaning if it is followed by accessory word and auxiliary verb.

在语用调节论的基础上,我们提出语尾助词其实是说话者在交际中运用的语用策略。Based on Linguistic Regulation Theory, we propose sentence-final particles as pragmatic strategies in communication.

“得”在射阳方言中不仅可以用做动词,助动词,助词,表完成的词尾,并且“得”已经有了一定程度的虚化。The "de" in Sheyang dialect can be used as verbs, auxiliary verbs, auxiliary words, and it has become a function word.

韩国语是黏着语,大部分的语法内容都是通过助词和词尾等形式来表达的。Korean is a kind of adherent language that most grammatical information is expressed by auxiliary word and termination.

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韩国语是黏着语,所以主要依靠语尾和助词等来表现语法关系。Korean is Agglutinative Language, so it mainly depends on the ending and the auxiliary to display the grammar relations.

然后对这种体词词根和助词相结合时产生的音调表象进行对比分析,对其类型特征以图表形式进行阐释。Second, contrast to and analyse the combination of fundus etyma and auxiliary word, whose characteristics of type is illustrate.

文章从历史语言学的角度,考察了历史文献中朝鲜语主格助词■和添意助词■的使用情况。This paper reviews the usages of the Korean nominative auxiliary ■ and the supplementary auxiliary ■ in a historical perspective.