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你的优势在哪里?What’s your edge?

这就是此理论的一个优势。It is an advantage.

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所以谁更有优势?So who has the edge?

策略2严格优势于策略1strictly dominates 1.

我们有一些优势。We have some advantages.

他以压倒优势当选。He swept in the election.

我想这成为我的一个优势。I think it gave me an edge.

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把它叫做自闭优势。Call it the autie advantage.

对数级复杂度的算法的优势对不对?Yeah. Is the last one there?

最新的烹调油烟的优势?What's the advantage of COF ?

可见它是有优势的。There is an elegance about it.

左手持剑仍佔有一定优势。Advantage fall on left-handers.

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规模小有其优势。Being small has its advantages.

所以说我在这方面有优势。So I kind of had an edge there.

一球的领先优势远远是不够的。The one-goal lead wasn't enough.

但纽曼有他特有的优势。But Newman had unique advantages.

但盼达汽车有自己的优势。But Pand Auto has its advantages.

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他的优势后来成了他的不利条件。His advantage turned against him.

相比魏先生,朱旭亮还有些“优势”。Mr. Zhu has an advantage over Mr.

CRISPY的主要优势是The main advantages of CRISPY are