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如今你才真的死定了。Now you will die.

如今我们有佩由。Today we have Pew.

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如今人人都佩带胸卡。We all wear IDs now.

如今我们该何往何从?Where do we go now ?

2004年,如今的延中绿地。April of 2004 by you.

如今他们有了同盟。Now they have allies.

如今简约当道。Simplicity now rules.

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我们如今如何办?。So whin do we do now?

如今你是我们的人了。You are one of us now.

如今他已成为明日黄花。Today he is a has-been.

如今我已二十二岁。And I am two-and-twenty.

如今,扫兴的事来了。Now comes the buzz-kill.

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搜寻快度如今5节。Search speed now 5knots.

如今,最后,她站起来。Now, at last, she stands.

如今是什么时刻?Whover at's the time now?

如今,环保理念才是王道。Now, greenery is in vogue.

海棠开后,望到如今。Begonia open, glancing now.

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这如今还是我胡汉山的天下!Now, it still is my domain.

但是如今情况已经改变了。But how things have changed.

我如今可以连续做我的工作了吗?。May Igo on with my work now?