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洗发和吹发。Just shampoo and blow dry.

我正在用一种去头皮屑的洗发液。I'm using a dandruff shampoo.

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应该不会是洗发液的问题。Shampoo should not be a problem.

这种洗发液可以防治头皮屑。This shampoo will cure your dandruff.

因为你拿了300瓶洗发液?Because you took 300 bottles of shampoo?

剪发前你需要洗发吗?Before the tonsure , you need to wash send?

但他的洗发液出事故了。But then he had a shampoo-related emergency.

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这款洗发液真的不会有刺激。This shampoo is really non-irritating for us.

这样它们就滞留在了头发上,即使是洗发液也无法将它们冲洗掉。They stay in your hair even through shampooing.

可制成膏霜、乳液及营养性洗发、护发液等。May made into cream, latex or nutrition shampoo.

在此盥洗台,请勿洗发或洗衣服等。No washing hair or clothes in the toilet please.

这种润丝洗发液对头皮有益。This conditioning shampoo is good for the scalp.

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头发应该每天用洗发香波洗,并充分冲洗。Hair should be shampooed daily, and rinsed fully.

用洗发水洗发,然后将柠檬水倒在头发上。Shampoo your hair, and then pour the lemonade on.

这种基本成分在一瓶洗发水中高达百分之八十。Up to 80 percent of shampoo is this basic element.

洗发护发同步进行,经常使用秀发柔润更光滑。Frequent usage will have smoother and shinier hair.

宝宝香皂、宝宝浴液、宝宝洗发香波和宝宝油。Baby soap, baby lotion, baby hair shampoo and baby oil.

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洗发后使用GPB蛋白平衡护发素。Follow with GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner.

这与你用什么样的洗发液毫无关系。And it doesn’t matter what kind of shampoo you are using.

相传,这天晚上织女会在银河洗发去会牛郎。It was that night, in the Milky Way to wash hair will cowboy.