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阴云预示有雨。The clouds promise rain.

乌云预示着要下雪。The clouds threaten snow.

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蜡黄的脸色预示厄运就要降临。With the yellow face of Doom.

乌云预示着有暴风雨。Black clouds forebode a storm.

杜鹃预示春天的来临。The cuckoo heralds the spring.

这就预示1945年要发生灾难。This augured disaster for 1945.

那些乌云预示有雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

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那些乌云预示即将下雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

预示今年又是一个丰收年。Indicates that this is a good year.

路得实在预示了「基督的心」!Ruth prefigures the mind of Christ!

那些黑云预示著暴风雨即将来临。Those black clouds betoken a storm.

它预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临。It ushered in the new theater season.

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这也就预示会有更多地质活动发生。That forebodes more seismic activity.

这些情况预示著要有灾祸。These developments forebode disaster.

那些乌云预示着有一场暴风雨。Those dark clouds foreshadow a storm.

今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。Today's event bespeak future tragedy.

这些奇怪的事件预示着什么?What do these strange events portend?

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乌云预示着即将有暴风雨。The clouds signified the coming storm.

今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。Today's events bespeak future tragedy.

不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。Mounting sales augur a profitable year.