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当在国外巧遇时。When we meet abroad.

为什么我们不为这次的巧遇庆祝一下呢?Why don't we celebrate this great coincidence?

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我在车站巧遇了一个老朋友。He happened upon an old friend at the bus stop.

世贤在海港巧遇渔船船长龙海,二人投缘。He wanders the seaport and meets a fisherman, Long Hai.

我们昨天在超级市场巧遇凯伦和她的新男友。Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday.

我们昨天在超级市场巧遇凯伦和她的新男友。We ran into Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday.

就在昨晚,我在餐厅里巧遇两位朋友阿肯和芭芭拉。Just last night I ran into two friends, Ken and Barbara , at a restaurant.

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自那次巧遇后,他便决定将车停在离教学区较远的地方。After that encounter, he decided to park his car away from the teaching area.

我也许会巧遇朋友,或是我女儿以前同学的父母。I might run into a friend, or a parent of one of my daughter's former classmates.

张月林巧遇雷巧妹,巧妹热心地为其带路。Zhang Yuelin paths ray qiao sister, sister qiao zealously to lead the way for it.

王熙到上海后,巧遇晓春,并与和风相会。After Wang Xi goes to Shanghai, chance encounter Xiao Chun, encounter with zephyr.

设若你巧遇老鞋,看到他全无生机的面孔及调皮的牙齿。Suppose you happen to meet YOS, looking at his vigorless face and mischievous teeth.

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有一天云将路过宋国时,在原野上又再巧遇鸿蒙。Someday when Yun Jiang passed the State of Song, he met Hong Meng again in a wild field.

嘉莉幽闲后断港绝潢,打定旋里时,与杜洛埃再次巧遇,转换了生存轨道。Carrie, after unemployment cornered when essien, and he home again, change the track meet.

在辛苦工作并收获快乐成果的同时,王小早误打误撞巧遇金波。In hard work and happy harvest results at the same time, Wang Xiaozao accidentally met Jin Bo.

一个年轻,愚蠢,容易上当的魔法师在我住的森林中游荡时与我巧遇。A wizard – young, foolish and gullible – wandered across my path in the forest I had made my home.

那许多巧遇,只不过是把握住了许多可能转瞬即逝的“偶然”中的一个。Those a lot of chance encounter, only get hold of one in " accidental " that may be written in water.

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Candice中午在学生餐厅巧遇一群同学,他们一起同桌吃饭。Candice runs into some classmates at the cafeteria at noontime. They sit down to eat at the same table.

屡见市民找侦探巧遇骗局,我们对相同的案例进行了分析,结论如下。We see people looking for a detective encounter scam, we analyzed the same case, conclusions are as follows.

安可是在美国长大的中国小伙子,到码头准备上船接活巧遇陆振魁。Encore is a Chinese boy growing up in America, encountered Liu Zhenkui to survive to the dock about to board the ship.