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只有懦夫才临危脱逃。Only a coward perched to escape.

那匹马从马厩里脱逃而出。The horse broke free from its stable.

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我是威廉金石利少校,脱逃委员会军官。And I'm Major William Kingsley , Escape Officer.

普维斯曾两次将迪林格包围,但他都成功脱逃。Twice when Purvis had Dillinger surrounded he escaped.

其他定身效应也可能让你可以尝试脱逃。Other immobilizing effects might let you make escape attempts.

他继续汇报说,鲍尔在被逮捕后,设法脱逃了。He goes on to explain that after Bauer was apprehended he escaped.

另一项则是从装满水的上锁水缸中脱逃。Another was escaping from a locked tank that was filled with water.

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趁办公室没有人的时候,安妮塔找到一个设法脱逃的机会。When the office was empty, Anita found an opportunity to plan her escape.

生命的热焰犹如封闭在热力无法脱逃的炉膛之中,生生不息。The flames of life burn in a closed oven from which the heat cannot escape.

本运用原力把韦拉推向她的两个卫兵,顺利脱逃。Drawing upon the Force, Ben shoved Veila into her two guards and freed himself.

他知道已经收服了的老狐狸不怕他再脱逃。He knew that once he had caught the sly fox he need not worry about him escaping.

“粉红豹”的显赫名声还来自于他们富有创意的破门和大胆的脱逃。The Pink Panthers are also known for their daring escapes and creative break-ins.

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然后他会从黑暗脱逃,用走的,安静的,到附属建物来。Then he would make his way through the darkness, on foot, silently, to the Annex.

欧巴在随后的逃亡过程中被逮捕,但凯博却把婕琳公主劫为人质,成功脱逃。Obah was captured in the attempt, but Kybo managed to take Princess Gerin hostage.

天翼早早就在外面预备好了车,处理失落王汉生后两成功脱逃了。Physical early ready car outside, two escaped after processing loss han-sheng wang.

在圣特罗佩,他们穿着花卉式样的衬衣抢劫珠宝店后,乘坐快艇脱逃。In St Tropez, they robbed a store dressed in flowery shirts and then escaped on a speed boat.

鸟王天天思考著,如何才能让五百只鸟,安全地自鸟笼里脱逃?Every day, the leader thought hard about how to enable 500 pigeons to escape from the cage safely.

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兵丁的意思、要把囚犯杀了、恐怕有洑水脱逃的。The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping.

牠们在动物园里是著名的脱逃专家,能以巧思打开兽笼的门。They are known as the escape artists of the zoo world, cleverly unlocking the doors of their cages.

报告说,中央情报局在讯问被拘押人员时至少使用了"生存、躲避、抵抗和脱逃"手段之中的一种。The report said the CIA used at least one of the SERE techniques in its interrogations of detainees.