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不知法不能作为免罪的口实。I-of the law excuses no man.

不知法不能作为免罪的口实。I-of the law excuses no one.

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这样免得留下口实以后说事儿。Such an excuse to leave after the thing that.

政府对于汽车进口实挺进口配额。The government has imposed an import quota on car.

这是因为他们不想落下,减少股利的口实That's because they don't want to ever be caught cutting their dividends.

一个不真实的回答会给当局者的律师提供又一个整人的口实。An untruthful answer gives authorities another arrow for their attorney's quiver.

凡人欲为凶恶残酷之行,其口实正自易求也。When people mean to do bad and cruel things, they can easily make excuses for it.

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这样就会向那些专门诋毁她的人少提供一些攻击她的口实。It would have provided her professional detractors with a few less redoubts for attack.

这一差异可能会为英国银行提供抱怨口实,他们一直在争取更为宽大的救助条件。That fact could provide ammunition to U.K. banks, which have been pressing for more-lenient terms.

一只猫抓到一只公鸡,并想出吃他的口实。他指责公鸡在夜晚打鸣,使人不能安睡,人们都讨厌公鸡。He accused him of being a nuisance to men by crowing in the nighttime and not permitting them to sleep.

行政权推定行使,已成为行政权越权、滥用的基本口实。The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse.

政策上的争议也不应当被用作破坏双方关系稳定及妨碍其进展的口实。Nor should policy disputes be used as an excuse to undermine the stability and evolution of the relationship.

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它相当巧妙地把国力的疲惫和母亲们的怨愤拿来作为口实。It had very cleverly turned to sufficiently good account the fatigue of the nation, and the hatred of mothers.

没人说这些安全措施没必要,但过高的花费使废除死刑者找到了新的口实。Few would argue that such safeguards are not needed, but their steep cost gives abolitionists a new line of attack.

也许,美国小说界的这种开放性,给了读者和出版商们无视译本需要的一个口实。Perhaps this openness of American fiction gives readers and publishers an excuse to ignore the need for translated texts.

但是为性工作者争取权利的人反对这种做法,害怕这么做会给警察重新开展“扫黄”提供口实。But those campaigning for sex-workers' rights have objected, fearing that this might give the police a pretext to renew the raids.

这种“一党训政”体制的建立,承接于孙中山遗教,却又倍受其约束,为社会各界的抨击留下口实。The "one-party allocution" system was set up by Sun Yat-sen but was also restricted, which left a pretext for the attack from the community.

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“这就成为了阿瓦拉吉和其他极端分子的口实,即美国是虚伪的,它是伊斯兰世界的敌人,”科尔曼说道。It's seen as proof of what Awlaki and others have been saying, that the U.S. is hypocritical and that most Americans are enemies of Islam,” Mr.

“这就成为了阿瓦拉吉和其他极端分子的口实,即美国是虚伪的,它是伊斯兰世界的敌人,”科尔曼说道。It's seen as proof of what Awlaki and others have been saying, that the U. S. is hypocritical and that most Americans are enemies of Islam,” Mr.

它为愤世嫉俗者提供了足够的口实,他们告诉我们政治不过是自负者之间的竞争,是特殊利益集团的地盘。And that provides plenty offodder for the cynics that tell us that politics is nothing more than a contest of egos or the domainof special interests.