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种什么花呢?What kinds of tweed?

为什么不给她送些花呢?。Whynot give her some flowers?

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他常穿花呢服装。He is usually dressed in tweeds.

我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。I bought a skirt length of tweed.

这世上还有谁如此的爱花呢?This world Who so loved the tweed?

玛莎穿着一件花呢厚大衣。She was sensibly dressed in tweeds.

小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民。The pub was full of tweedy farmers.

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为什么萨莉不应该摘那些花呢?Why mustn’t Sally pick the flowers?

那儿穿花呢衣服的男子是谁?。Who is the man in tweeds over there?

谁会给我送这么多花呢?Who would send me all these flowers?

我们有钱,为什么不花呢?We had the money so why not spend it?

千万不要穿花呢上衣配法兰绒裤。Never wear tweed coat and flannel trousers.

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不管你称呼它格子呢还是格子花呢,格纹图案就是永远在流行。Whether you call it tartan or plaid, it's just in.

我这件粗纺花呢,既结实又暖和。My woolen clothes are not only durable, but also very warm.

油桐也正开花呢,这一丛,那儿一簇,很不少。Tung is flowering, this cluster, a cluster, there is very little.

它们之中哪一朵是受难之花,哪一朵是幸福之花呢?Which of them is Misfortunes flower and which is that of Happiness?

她非常轻地靠在他的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性的花呢。She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.

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假如你有一百万美元,你怎么花呢?Let's suppose that you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?

如果你有很多钱,你想怎么花呢?If you have a tremendous amount of money, where do you want to spend it?

大家有没有好奇,威廉王子和凯特的婚礼上,凯特手中持的新娘花束里都有些什么花呢?The bride's bouquet includes Sweet William, in a tribute to her new husband.