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他没有机会施展他的才能。He has no scope for his ability.

双方都施展出高超的球艺。Both sides showed brilliant play.

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他施展计谋获得了他们的选票。He contrived to gain their votes.

为死神驱使,施展魔鬼的舞技!Driven by Death in a devilish dance!

此刻我拥有大地。施展巫术的时辰。Now I own the earth The witching hour.

女演员施展浑身解数来表演。The actress emoted for all she was worth.

他们施展手腕,旨在取得胜利。They diplomatized in order to win victory.

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最大水高山施展这一极好的练习工具的作用吧!Make the most of this wonderful learning tool!

然后她便开始施展法术为她的客户进行治疗。Then she began casting spells to heal her client.

冰霜巨魔的施法者则站在后方,施展法术。Ice troll spellcasters stay behind to cast spells.

我昨天给了他一个施展才能的机会。I gave him a chance to show his abilities yesterday.

为了打赢这场比赛,他施展出了全部招数。In order to win the game he called on all his skill.

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这个工作给我提供了施展自身才能的广阔天地。The job gives my talents and abilities a full scope.

抗衰老面霜不会轻而易举的地对他们施展魔法。Anti-ageing cream simply won't just do magic to them.

有了机遇,才有施展雄才大略的舞台。Only the opportunity can offer you the display stage.

公孙龙着令新弟子施展其技。Gongsun Long told his new disciple to prove his talent.

菲尔丁不知羞耻地施展小巫术。Fielding was not ashamed to practise a little necromancy.

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神行太保2000每天可施展1次时空之门。Gatemaster 2000 Casts Master rank Town Portal 1x per day.

无论如何,法庭上的口头答辩是律师们施展才能的最好机会。In any event, the oral argument is lawyering at its best.

在这家公司里每个员工都有施展才能的机会。In this company, everyone has a free scope for his ability.