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抢救黑鲔鱼!Save the Bluefin Tuna!

他从大火中抢救出了那个婴孩。He snatched the baby from the fire.

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医生正在抢救那个快死的人。The doctor is saving the dying man.

抢救人员必须等待退潮。The salvors must wait for low tide.

其中一名14岁的男孩在医院抢救无效死亡。A 14-year-old boy's died in hospital.

他一把将孩子从危险中抢救出来。He whipped up the child out of danger.

抢救无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

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所有抢救措施都证明无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

哈桑在被送往医院抢救的路上死亡。Hassan died on his way to the hospital.

我把财物抢救出来,免遭洪水淹没。I rescued my belongings from the flood.

它的父母和我都立即冲过去抢救。Both parents and I rushed to his rescue.

那小孩被从火里抢救出来了。The child was snatched out of the flames.

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邓贵大因伤势严重,经抢救无效死亡。Dengguida died of fatal wound after rescue.

抢救地球就从每个星期一多吃蔬食开始最后机会!Save our planet! One Meatless Monday at a time!

请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。I would get the neurosurgery resident down here.

有时孩子生病时我会踌躇是应该把孩子送到急救室抢救还是仅仅给她洗个冷水澡。Was it time for the emergency room or a cool bath?

别人都已经死去,人们正在全力抢救他。They all died and people were trying to rescue him.

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由于那个人的抢救,这个小孩没有滑进水池。The man saved the boy from falling down to the pool.

用于床旁和基层进行现场抢救治疗。It can be used for on-the-spot and bedside treatment.

请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。Please page the surgical resident for emergency room.