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高呼着“铭记阿拉莫!”Shouting “Remember the Alamo!

将蒂帕嬷的忠告铭记于心吧。Take Dipa Ma's advice to heart.

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他的形象铭记在她的心中。His image was fixed in her mind.

你铭记自己过去的错误。You remember your past mistakes.

独留伤疤。让你铭记所有的曾经。Keep scar. Let you remember all once.

把新词铭记于心。Let new words percolate in your mind.

我将永远铭记你的恩情。I shall always remember your kindness.

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此后,对这一建议我一直铭记于心。For years, I took this advice to heart.

我们之间唯一的羁绊,叫刻骨铭记。We only between fetter, called my mind.

母亲的话一直铭记在我的心头。Mother's words were impressed on my mind.

但是他并没有像一名殉道者一样被人们铭记。But he will not be remembered as a martyr.

这位大师的崇论闳议,我们一定要铭记于心。We must embalm the master's wise opinions.

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他说他那一代人却是铭记于心。He says people of his generation do remember.

亨利.鲁姆斯铭记他的教诲。Henry Loomis took these words very seriously.

日本应铭记历史,深刻反思。Japan should remember and reflect upon history.

她因为智慧之言而被铭记。She is also remembered for her words of wisdom.

中国人民将永远铭记这一切。The Chinese people will remember all this forever.

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这种情绪可能不会持续太久,但是值得铭记。This may not last long. But it will be remembered.

他的行为被铭记于人民心中。His deeds are embalmed in the hearts of the people.

无框塑料镜片铭记着螺丝好。Rimless plastic lenses keeping screws well in view.