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在暑天喝柠檬水,会使人精神抖擞。Lemonade on a hot day is very refreshing.

冰淇淋在暑天销路好。Ice-cream always goes well in hot weather.

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这是个热得令人眼花的炎炎的酷暑天,她在桃树街上走了不远就觉得太阳穴在轰轰地跳了。It was blindingly, glaring hot and as she hurried down Peachtree Street her temples began to throb from the heat.

太阳圆得像个橘子,颜色也是暑天月亮那样的橘红,支在地平线上,装点着银色的冬日树林。The sun, round as an orange and orange as hot-weather moon, balances on the horizon, burnishes the silvered winter wood.

如果在暑天里学校需要空调并且学校需要支付雇员的加班费,这可能耗资巨大。This can be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days and school employees need to be paid for the extra time.

暑天,运用饮食的营养作用养生益寿,是减少疾病,防止衰老的有效保证。Shutian, the use of the nutritional diet of health Yishou, is to reduce disease and prevent aging effectively guaranteed.

要想在城市的酷暑天里保持凉爽是件棘手的事,但是莫斯科的地铁乘客现在可以通过使用免费水和湿巾来凉爽一夏了。Staying cool in the heat of an urban summer can be tricky, but Moscow's metro users can now freshen up with free water and wet wipes.

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绿豆芽所含的热量很低,但富含纤维,更是暑天餐桌上的常见菜。The mungbean sprouts are the most frequently seen ingredient in the dishes during the hot summer days, for they contain low heat but high fiber.

夏季的饮食调养是以暑天的气候特点为基础,由于夏令气候炎热,易伤津耗气,因此常可选用药粥滋补身体。Summer eating Shutian tone is based on the climatic characteristics, as the hot summer climate and easy injury-gas consumption, often optional Yaozhou nourishing the body.

用传统的钻冰方式,将会花掉三个暑天来获取遥远南极的冰芯,它们预期位于地下3000米深的冰层里。Using conventional drilling methods, it will take three summer seasons in the remote reaches of Antarctica to get to the million-year-old ice that the teams hope lies 3000 metres down.