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求你不要叫我受苦。I beseech thee, torment me not.

跳跃,低落,生来受苦。Jumped, humped, born to suffer.

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“受苦的是工人”,他说。“The workers suffer, ” he says.

从而找到受苦的意义。Therefore to find meaning in it.

我可怜他那长期受苦的妻子。I pity his, long-suffering 'wife.

就让我回到丑恶的名声中去受苦受难吧!Suffer me to go back to my infamy!

我不想她像我那样受苦。I wouldn't like her to suffer like me.

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居里夫人没有向他们那样受苦。Madame Curie didn't suffer as they did.

其实受苦是有很深的奥义在其中的。There is a secret meaning in suffering.

所以,耶稣也受苦“在哪?"Therefore,Jesus also suffered," where?

身体肥胖的人三伏天就要受苦了。Fat people suffer a lot in the dog days.

你们受苦如此之多,都是徒然的吗。Have ye suffered so many things in vain?

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坚忍受苦是诸善之母。Longsuffering is the mother of all good.

因爱而受苦的你,爱得更多一点吧。Ye who suffer because ye love, love yet more.

他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。His heart ached for the suffering child bride.

你怎么能拒绝同情受苦受难的人呢?How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?

在修院里,人们以受苦为达到欢乐的途径。In the cloister, one suffers in order to enjoy.

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如果你看到受苦的动物时,你可以做些什么?What can you do if you see an animal suffering?

若让我出得牢笼死也不回这恶土受苦我只要自由就算从此化成灰!When I get free ya won't see me, Here for dust!

好人要经过试练,但不受苦。Good people go through trials, but don't suffer.