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套打纸型不一样,你自己试试!Try first, then you can!

我找到了一套很棒的纸型。I've found a great pattern.

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而是纸型的,相当粗糙的民间艺术,任何人都能做。This is papier-mache, a fairly crude folk art. Anyone can do it.

裁衣服的纸型已有出售,你可以按照不同的样式裁制衣服。Paper patterns for dresses are now available for you to pattern dresses on different models.

裁衣服的纸型已有出售,你可以按照不同样式裁制衣服。Paper patterns for dresses are now available for you to pattern dress on different models. 5.

本发明公开了一种水果渣纸型食品及其制备方法。The present invention discloses a fruit marc papier-mache food and method of preparing the same.

从浮雕她搬到对象纸型,采用造纸,涂料,管材,染网和摇摇欲坠的字符串。From reliefs she moved to objects, using papier mâché, paint, tubing, dyed nets and dangling string.

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山脉,壮丽的落基山脉,你能从城里的任何位置,向西就能看见,是纸型的。The mountains, the magnificent Rockies that you can see to the west from any part of town, were papier-mache.

山脉,壮丽的落基山脉,你能从城里的任何位置,向西就能看见,是纸型的。The mountains, the magnificent Rockies that you can see to the west from any part of town, were papier-mache.

以酸芥菜为原料研究纸型蔬菜的加工工艺、操作要点以及各项理化指标的检测。The processing technology and key points of vegetable paper which was processed from acid mustard were studied.

这种类纸型薄膜光阀尤其适用于反射式超大屏幕显示装置。This paper-like film light shutter is especially suitable for reflective display devices with very large screens.

为了研究纸型蕨菜加工的工艺流程及操作要点。The purpose was to study the processing route and operating points of papier-mache Pteridium aquilinum processing.

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笔者分析了当前数字图书馆建设中存在的问题,指出在建设数字图书馆的同时,不应忽视纸型文献的收集、管理与保护。It also points out that we should not neglect the collecting, management and protecting of paper documents in the same time.

纸型山野菜及其加工方法,属于食品加工领域。The invention provides the paper type mountain potherb and the processing method, which belongs to the field of food processing.

其它的采用特殊技艺,如几个迷人的法式新古典主义晚装包,由白色的模制纸型制成。Others employ unusual techniques, such as several captivating French neoclassical evening bags made of white moulded papier-maché.

使用你的文档处理软件的“页面设置”功能来选择正确的纸型,自动为你的文档重新制定格式。Use the "page set up" function in your word processing software to select the correct size paper and automatically reformat your document.

我走出去推了一辆推车到我的公寓,卡洛马克思的纸型山随着,东边太阳升起变成了红色。I walked out and took a trolley to my apartment and Carlo Marx's papier-mache mountains grew red as the great sun rose from the eastward plains.

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这里有一种真实的空间感,是从世界的基本中产生的,这种空间感上升并转化成这些纸型的山。And there's a real spatial sense here, that it's being generated at the base of the world, and it goes up and it transforms these mountains into papier-mache.

压折痕和折页时要求使用一个模式纸型系统,因为硬的压痕线会使半透明纸在折页时产生裂痕。When the pressure of creases and folds require the use of a pattern of printing system, because of indentation line will make translucent paper when in the fold.

结合PB,给出一种自定义纸张的打印方法,较好解决了企业对各种纸型打印的客观需要,并取得了很好的实际效果。According to PB, the paper provides an approach to custom paper printing, which meets the practical need for custom paper printing and provides high printing quality.