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这很侮辱人。It's insulting.

她是不会忍受侮辱的。She won't bear coals.

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那是一个可恶的侮辱。That was a doggone insult.

你是在故意侮辱她!You are being insulting her!

事实上她觉得被侮辱了。In fact, she felt denigrated.

他所说的话含有侮辱的意味。What he said stank of insult.

她被他的侮辱激怒了。She was enraged at his insult.

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东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。Uneaten food insults the cook.

你的回报是变本加利地侮辱我。In return you insulted me more.

这种侮辱使他心里难受。The insult rankled in his mind.

他讲这种话是对我的侮辱。He insulted me by such a remark.

他宁死也不受侮辱。He preferred death to dishonour.

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我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。I will pouch up no such affront.

你还能忍受这样的侮辱吗?How can you stand such insolence?

我终于没去理会他的侮辱。I managed to pass off his insult.

弗莱明为这种侮辱所激怒。Flemming is enraged by th is slur.

你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢?How can you suffer such insolence?

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那也不能作为侮辱我的理由啊!That’s no excuse for insulting me!

他满口脏话侮辱那位妇女。He insulted that woman by language.

他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。His slight still sticks in my craw.