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他因获胜而洋洋得意。He gloried in his triumph.

杰克得到他妻子的赞赏而洋洋得意。Jack basked in his wife's admiration.

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她对儿子的成就感到洋洋得意。She gloated over her son’s achievements.

预祝你羊年大吉,洋洋得意!I wish you a sheep year, immensely proud!

这男孩逮住一条鱼时洋洋得意。The boy glowed with pride when he caught a fish.

他似乎对自己笨拙的讲话还洋洋得意。He seems take pride to make such fatuous remarks.

在羊年,我要祝大家万事如意,洋洋得意!I wish you all the best in the Year of the Sheep.

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那男孩因考试成绩优秀而洋洋得意。The boy was flushed with good examination results.

“不错!”诗人有点洋洋得意地应道。"Yes, truly, " asserted the poet with conscious pride.

两头母牛躺卧在凉爽的树荫下,表现出洋洋得意的样子来。Two cows lay in the shade, the very picture of content.

从这个角度讲,日本是一个洋洋得意的可怜国家。In this respect, Japan seems to be a smug and pathetic country.

真的,以前打的球真的好烂,我还洋洋得意的说自己在学校已经不错了。对不起。Dad , I can play it well now. Are you proud of me? Forever Love.

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士兵来到一个大城镇,像个富翁那样过着洋洋得意的生活。The soldier went to a big town and lived proudly like a rich man.

对于部分幸运的囤积者们,这是洋洋得意并大肆朵颐的天赐良机。For the few lucky hoarders , this is a time to feel both smug and predatory.

他对自己所起的重要作用以及在全世界制造喧嚣洋洋得意。He exults in the important part he plays and the noise he makes in the world!

书里有一些实用的彩图和照片,然而文字却是洋洋得意的口吻。There are some useful colour diagrams and photographs, and the prose is jaunty.

巴思洋洋得意地说,“看见了吧,吃肉,但是不上钩。Bassy smiled proudly and said, "Did you guys see that?Eat the meat, not the hook."

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资本唱着歌德的诗句,以洋洋得意的快乐表达了它的欣喜。Citing Goethe's lines, capital expresses its rapture with complacence and delight.

它洋洋得意,自高自大,只不过趁一时顺风罢了。It jauntily, above oneself, just take the advantage of temporarily downwind stopped.

正当狄俄尼索斯锁为他的魔法而洋洋得意时,艾米西斯特向黛安娜女神大声呼救。As Dionysus sat back to enjoy the spectacle, Amethyst cried out to her goddess Diana.