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周天和朋友出去玩了。I went out with some friends on Saturday.

杰克逊周天的时候给湖人全队放假一天。Jackson gave the Lakers the day off Sunday.

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这周天文学界有两个大的进展。This week there were two big developments in astronomic science.

我们有三门不同的课程,分别在这周天,周一和周二开讲。There are three different ones on this Sunday, this Monday, this Tuesday.

周天禹偷偷溜出去玩,被陆粉英搭讪。Zhou Tianyu sneaking out to play, be lu powder the strike up a conversation.

他在周天早上带着太太和小孩来我们教会。He came to our church one Sunday morning accompanied by his wife and children.

周指周天和宇宙,易是写周天宇宙出现的过程。"Zhou" means the whole universe, the sky, and "Yi" is process of its formation.

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为了留给我们更多时间,他们连周六周天都他去玩。To leave more time for us , they even take our child to super market on holiday.

如果您仍然觉得周天的火鸡大餐让您腹胀不已,那么这份贴士就会对你受益匪浅了。If you're still feeling the effects of yesterday's turkey dinner, this one's for you.

在这个周天下午,所有的孩子都在为表演彩排,他们的父母也是如此。On this sunday afternoon, all the kids were rehearsing a mass game, and the parents too.

蠢透了,尤其是那么多德国人没工作居然周天还要关门。It is stupid when there are several people in Germany looking for jobs but noooo Sunday is closed.

天天都要画水彩,周天头都抬不起来,饭都吃不上。All want to draw water color every day, week day the heads all lift and get up, the rices all eat not up.

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这是童年中夏季周天早晨的回忆,就在这个小窗口突然浮现在我的眼前。This is Zhou summer morning in childhood memories, in this very small window suddenly surfaced in my eyes.

周宝民抱走了陆粉英丢下的孩子,瞒过谈小爱,并给孩子取名叫周天禹。Zhou Baomin out powder lu the left child, small fool talk about love, and give the child named Zhou Tianyu.

我们把福音的信息给割裂成为周天早上的一场敬拜,或是每周一两次的查经学习。We have compartmentalized the Gospel message down to a Sunday morning service and maybe a study or two during the week.

周宝民眼睛恢复,谈小爱这才向他询问周天禹的情况,得知真相,根本无法接受周宝民的欺骗。Small Zhou Baomin eye restore, talk about love just asked him Zhou Tianyu, know the truth, cannot accept Zhou Baomin deception.

周天表示,在天津市第二支消防队刚刚抵达现场时,现场就发生了爆炸,接连两次爆炸在市区上空产生了蘑菇云。Thee second brigade of city firefighters had just arrived on the scene when a double explosionsent a mushroom cloud over the city, Mr Zhou said.

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我们这周天开始“代码走查“,这个会由研究生助教带领大家,什么叫做“走查“,然后这是一种,编程词库。And we also have starting this Sunday, lead by one of the course's teaching fellows, what we call "walkthroughs," so this is kind of programming lexicon.

至于那些并非忠实的支持者来说,民意调查显示,参与调查的独立选民再次倾向于共和党,而非民主党,这真可谓短短数周天囊之别。As for those not so beholden, polls show that independent voters again prefer Republicans to Democrats, a startling reversal of fortune in just a few weeks.

照目前的架势,托雷斯是要在周天对阵伯明翰时被安排首发上场了。早先霍奇森也表示了对目前托雷斯的进步感到满意。Torres is likely to start against Birmingham City on Sunday and Hodgson is satisfied with the way his side are progressing during the early part of his reign.