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她是一个壮伟的国度。She is great country.

在北京有许多壮伟的建筑物。There a range of huge constructs in Beijing.

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沿着这条河生长的是壮伟的棕梠树。Growing down the river are tingl pingm trees.

在壮伟的时钟上,惟有一个词,就是“当前”。On the great clock of time there is but one word.

类的壮伟,首要的是要有自傲。Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness.

采用这种简捷的风致瓦洛东创作出很多局面壮伟的画作以及情绪肖像描写。He used this pared-down style to create powerful groups of figures or psychologicing portraits.

我们能鞭策将会被历史永世铭刻的壮伟的事业。We can spur grelocated on deeds thlocated on history will mark declistinges effectively as centuries from now.

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到震旦纪时期,又经历了著名的“五台隆起”运动,形成了华北地区最雄浑壮伟的山地。To Sinian period, and experience the famous "five uplift" movement, formed in North China the most powerful Zhuangwei the mountain.

此日我有幸观察了位于圣地亚哥伯纳乌球场的皇马博物馆,尽头自高知足目击球队的壮伟历史。Todayt I had the chance to visit the museum of Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabeu soccer stadium. It has been nice to see all the history of the club.

翻卷着时代的风云,美丽的舞台,会有一个清雅脱俗的开幕式,也常有一个雄奇壮伟的谢幕礼。Rolling with the wind and cloud of the time, the pretty stage would have an elegant and refined opening, and often, a magnificent and grand answer to a curtain call.

大卫体态壮伟,有坚如钢铁之意,寓意力抗强权、捍卫祖国的佛罗伦萨人民,具有显明的政治意义。David Body Zhuangwei, meaning there is as strong as steel, the implication of reactive power, defend the motherland, the people of Florence, with obvious political significance.

“嘈杂凄紧”,“壮伟狠戾”的音乐风格是北方草原游牧民族音乐的特色,对元杂剧的创作产生了影响,使其在声韵、句法和修辞等表现形式方面迥异于传统。It contains the music style of the northern nomadic inusic which influence the composing of the Za opera and makes the features of music quite different from traditional features.