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在大型演讲前多排演几次。Rehearse several times before the big talk.

他们打算错开我们的排演时间。They planned to stagger our rehearsing hours.

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芭蕾舞团排演舞台上,由埃德加德加。Ballet Rehearsal on the Stage, by Edgar Degas.

排演时始终精力过人。She worked like a demon all through rehearsals.

我们排演了40000年。And we've been rehearsing for over 40 thousand years.

舞蹈演员们在基洛夫芭蕾舞团的故乡排演。Dancers rehearse in the hometown of the Kirov Ballet.

我曾在排演了一次后拍掌道`好。So I smacked it once in rehearsal so I said, 'All right.

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一个艺术团正在排演一部有关圣女贞德的戏剧。A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.

我给孩子们分配角色,排演了一次我们的学校会议。I gave the kids roles and staged one of our school meetings.

剧本意外地获得批准并很快投入排演。The play met with approval and was quickly put into practice.

在排演中,她曾一度与演对手戏的卡里·格兰特坠入爱河。Once on the set, she fell in love with her co-star Cary Grant.

这场戏在排演时曾大得导演的赏识。It was the scene which had pleased the director at the rehearsal.

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之后把这些排演出来,让你的孩子练习如何应对。Then act them out with your child so he can practice how to respond.

我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama.

我们有2天的时间和全体的舞台工作人员一起排演,那是在Rize。We had 2 days to rehearse with the whole stage crew. That was in Rize.

你开玩笑吗?一个高中花了笔巨款排演一部戏。Are you kidding?A high school forks out a small fortune to stage a play.

这个排演9点钟才起头,咱们另有半钟头无事可做。The rehearsal will start at 9 o'clock. There is still half an hour left.

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如果生活这出戏的第一次排演就是生活其本身的话,这样的生活又有何价值可言?And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?

我们利用午餐时间来排演,并讨论我当天的服装。Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.

今晚在餐桌上,除了戏剧排演和家长会之外,我们会讨论这个话题。We’ll be discussing it this evening, in between drama rehearsal and a PTA meeting.