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公示出来的名单中并没有列出革命卫队公司的所有分支。No public list identifies all of the IRGC's offshoots.

在中国,对所有级别的重要任命都进行这样的公示。This is done at all levels and for all important posts.

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这样的指控通常是同和解的结果一起公示的。Such charges are usually announced along with a settlement.

此裁决将公示4天,同时给上诉预留出时间。The judge issued a four-day stay of his order, allowing time for appeals.

有些国家已经建立了海事优先权公示催告程序。Some countries have set up procedures for interpellation of maritime liens.

很多事情将这段时间发生。6月12日,新信息将会公示于众。A lot will change between now and June 12, and new information will come to light.

注意本页面为本站办理国际标准出版物刊号官方公示页面。Please note that this is an official bulletin webpage for our application of ISSNs.

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至少到现在为止,到这篇论文公示于众时止,这些事实是如此。At least till now, until this paper publication in the stop when, these facts are so.

通过这篇论文的分析、讨论,让更多的翻译工作者更加重视汉语旅游公示语的英译工作。Through the thesis, much attention should be paid to the C-E tourism sign translation.

公示期为10个工作日,公示期满未被举报的,批准其购买资格。Publicity for 10 working days, publicity on unreported approved its purchase qualifications.

登记对抗主义是多数立法例采纳的动产抵押的公示方法。The effectiveness of chattel hypothecation is on the basis of proper publication of real rights.

文章将对我国楼花按揭的公示方法及效力作一初步探讨。This article preliminarily discusses the publicity and the effect of mortgage of future property.

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项目完工后,企业要在工地或新闻媒体上公示工资支付情况,公示期为10天。Completion of the project, site enterprises to pay wages or media publicity, publicity for 10 days.

甲方有权在公示两周后对附件价格表中所列项目进行修改。Party A has the right to modify the items and prices in the Charge List after two-week publication.

目前,与大学排行榜相比,医疗信息的公示还显得很少。Compared with the seriation of universities, the medical information being made public is much less.

本研究以功能翻译理论为指导,研究汉语公示语的英译。The thesis probes into C-E translation of public signs in light of functionalist translation theory.

公示语是公开面对公众的标识语、提示语、指示语、警示语的统称。Public sign is the general term for signs of indication, reminder, instructions and warning in public.

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对此项课题的研究在于改善目前中国的公示语翻译现状。Researches on this subject can improve the present C-E translation situation of public signs in China.

它们可用来给啤酒和修理厂做广告,也可以用来公示友谊或学校精神。They are vehicles for advertising beer and body shops and for declarations of friendship or school spirit.

公司在年度股东大会上造册公示最终投票结果前,股东可以撤回委托。A stockholder may revoke a proxy at time before the company tabulates the final vote at its annual meeting.