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她轻视的摇了摇手。She waves her hand dismissively.

向爷爷摇手再见。Wave goodbye to your grandfather.

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在中国摇手表示说再见。In china waving hands means saying goodbye.

凡经过的人都必摇手嗤笑她。All who pass by her scoff and shake their fists.

他们对整个团体只摇手说“再见”。They will just wave "good-bay" to the whole group.

你知道她有个摇手的习惯吗?She has a habit of waving her hand around --do you know?

独特的料斗开合摇手机构设计,料斗打开、关闭更安全方便。Crank handle for safely and easily opening or closing hopper.

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我认为他会不高兴,通常情况下我是不会再摇手指的,但今天不知道为什么,我又摇了。I usually don't do it. I don't know what made me do it today.

“我们现在喝我们自己的啤酒。”他说着,摇了摇手中的塞尔维亚啤酒。We'll drink our own beer now' he said, cradling a Serbian beer.

金走出预备室,拿下了第二场半决赛,然后再次摇了摇手指。King went out and won the second semifinal and shook her finger again.

尤其是在比赛进行到第2节时,穆托姆博给了诺维茨基一个盖帽,这促使他向球迷作出了一个他的标志性动作——摇手指。The 7-2 veteran then turned toward the fans and did his trademark finger wag.

内置木桶,顶部是一个金属的曲柄摇手。Nestled inside a wooden bucket, there's a metal canister with a hand crank on top.

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也许其他孩子会开始摇手说“噢!Perhaps some of the other children will begin to wave their hands and say, "Ooooh!"

有人赞扬你时,你应该在自己的面前前后摇手以示回答。When someone praised you, respond by waving your hand back and forth in front of your face.

报道说,其中的一个人摇了摇手,卡车就缓慢地从钱先生身上开过去。One of the men waved his hand, and a truck then drove slowly over Mr. Qian, the reports said.

他上岸后,便站在送行区的栅门内,向船上的人摇手致意。When he was ashore, he stood inside the gate of the waiting area and waved at some one on the ship.

墙角泛白色折光,默守伏却的荧光黄昏中微微散亮,浅蓝色光芒穿透沉沉暮霭摇手在望。A whitish refraction, abide V but fluorescent dusk a scattered light, light blue rays penetrate heavy hand in the mist.

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夸库克兰社区负责人握着水泵摇手把,他与社区成员帮助修建了一口能提供净水的水井。The chief of Kwakukrom, holding the pump handle, and members of his community helped build a new well that provides clean water.

四届年度防守队员在组织了凯文维利斯的扣篮后甚至对观众做出了他商标式的摇手指动作。The four-time Defensive Player of the Year even did his trademark finger wag to the crowd after rejecting Kevin Willis' layup attempt.

她摇了摇手,指着在烛台被换成电灯之前留在屋子里的长柄烛花剪。She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer which had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified.