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秦将军带领的这支患难与共的队伍从河南府往南移动。General Ching's resolute group moved south from Honan Province.

在这个国家,我们属于同一民族,我们患难与共。In this country, we rise or fall as one nation — as one people.

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只有真朋友才会选择与你患难与共。Only true friends will choose to be with you in difficult times.

温家宝说,中国同斯里兰卡是患难与共的朋友。Wen said China and Sri Lanka are friends who share each other's pains.

但她最近又看到了希望,感受到一种新的患难与共。But she has since become more hopeful and senses a new feeling of togetherness.

事实证明,中巴是患难与共的真正朋友。Facts have proven that Pakistan and China are true friends sharing weal and woe.

曾庆红说,斯里兰卡与中国是亲密友好近邻,是患难与共的朋友。Zeng Qinghong said that Sri Lanka is a close neighbor and a true friend of China.

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人们大都有一个很大的朋友圈,但患难与共的真心朋友又有几个?“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?”It has a great big circle of friends, but there are a few friends sharing weal and woe's true?

面对国际金融危机的紧张冲击,咱们风雨同舟,患难与共。In the face of the severe international financial crisis, we pulled together and acted in unity.

杨洁篪表示,中斯是相互信赖的朋友,也是患难与共的伙伴。Yang said China and Sri Lanka are friends of mutual trust as well as partners sharing weal and woe.

儿时同床共枕,患难与共的人就这样与我有了明显的界线。Childhood bed with therapeutic writing, sharing weal and woe with the people so I have a clear line.

这些都是中非人民风雨同舟、患难与共的生动写照。These are the epitomes of the strong and all-weather brotherhood between Chinese and African people.

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胡锦涛指出,中国和非洲是患难与共的好朋友、好伙伴。Hu noted that China and Africa are good friends and partners that share weal and woe with each other.

我们既是风雨同舟、患难与共的好朋友,又是优势互补、合作共赢的好伙伴!We are both good friends sharing weal and woe and good partners complementing each other with advantages.

一年制的课程把学习精简为疯狂的快跑,在患难与共之中建立友谊。A one-year course strips study down to a frenzied sprint, where friendships are bound by shared adversity.

中巴是患难与共的真诚朋友,一贯相互帮助和支持。China and Pakistan are true friends that have always stood together and supported each other in times of need.

胡锦涛表示,中斯是相互信赖的朋友,也是患难与共的伙伴。Hu said that the two nations are trustworthy friends and partners who have gone through difficult times together.

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我们两党、两国、两国人民成为彼此信赖的好朋友、肝胆相照的好同志、患难与共的好兄弟。"Our two nations, parties and peoples have become reliable friends and brothers who share weal and woe, " he said.

相反,当你们两人怀有高尚的理想并且共同奋斗,患难与共,生死相依,真爱就在此了。Instead, when you two cherish lofty ideals and fight for them, sharing weal and woe, it is where the true love lies.

千难万险中得来的东西最为珍贵,患难与共中结下的友谊必将长驻你我的心间。Hardships of the most precious things come, sharing weal and woe of the friendship forged resident will you my heart.