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她镇定自若,心平气和且很友好。She was very calm, quiet and friendly.

尽管面对危险,他仍然镇定自若。Faced with danger, he still remained calm.

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在非常危险时,她仍然镇定自若。She remained calm in the face of great danger.

他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.

他虽然很紧张,然而仍表现地镇定自若,从容冷静。He was very nervous, yet calm cool and collected.

她给他的印象是如此的镇定自若,精明能干。She had always struck him as so poised, so competent.

我们要在危急时刻保持镇定自若的。He kept his countenance in such a dangerous situation.

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尽管困难重重,但他却镇定自若,决不放弃。Though in great trouble, he kept calm and never gave up.

原谅我镇定自若百毒不侵,只因我身后空无一人。Forgive me calm impenetrable, because behind me is empty.

他听到坏消息镇定自若,令他的朋友们惊奇。His calm reception of the bad news surprised his friends.

在这个危险的环境中他表现的镇定自若。He kept as cool as a cucumber in this dangerous situation.

我镇定自若,没有说起我的意图。I had enough presence of mind not to mention my intention.

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我觉得艾德莱在一片大混乱中仍然镇定自若。I had found Adlai unperturbed in the midst of pandemonium.

看着远去的马队,他显得更加镇定自若。He had watched the passing of the horses with more sangfroid.

她逐渐变作一个镇定自若、言谈清晰的年轻女性。She is maturing into a self-possessed and articulate young woman.

表面上,央行行长们看起来在镇定自若地着手复苏经济。Superficially, central bankers seemed poised to deliver that revival.

她就像电影明星一样,永远镇定自若充满自信,不像那些笨贼一样抢了就跑。She is like a movie character, smooth and confident, never grab and run.

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火车发生事故时什么比镇定自若还好?身体不在现场。What is better than presence of mind in a railway accident? Absence of body.

采访过程中,张通荣一直镇定自若、思路清晰、声音洪亮。Interview process, Zhang Tong-jung has been calm, clear , loud and clear voice.

特里谢和范龙佩镇定自若,但是市场却是惶恐不已。The calm demeanour of Mr Trichet and Mr Van Rompuy is not shared by the markets.