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“灵隐”这个词的中文意思是“灵魂的隐退”。The word "Lingyin" means the "retreat of souls" in Chinese.

如果说,人们期待已久的卡斯特罗的隐退,意味着古巴政策的稳定延续。The retirement of Castro, long anticipated, means continuity.

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范蠡隐退官场之后到哪里去了呢?After his retirement from the official circle, where did Fan Li go?

作为德意志银行的首席执行官,阿尔克曼将逐渐隐退。Mr Ackermann is stepping down as the German bank's chief executive.

几年来,我都过着一种隐退的波西米亚式的独身生活。For a couple of years, I retreated into a life of bohemian bachelorhood.

社论会提出要求,他要么宣布放弃信仰,要么从公共生活中隐退。Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life.

年届103岁的媒体巨头邵逸夫先生的隐退似乎就显得风平浪静。Sir Run Run Shaw, a 103-year-old media mogul, appears to be retiring in peace.

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我还发现了“化妆室”,那儿灯光柔和,成了我可以信赖的隐退之所。I also discovered the powder room, which became my softly lit, reliable retreat.

禁欲学派说,你必须注意到自己,「隐退到自我,并停留在那里」。The Stoics say you must attend to the self, "retire into the self and stay there."

我就想着现在再做一些事儿,然后就隐退等着哪天抱孙子当奶奶咯。I’m ready to do a few things now and fade away and get ready to be a grandma one day.

贝迪说,一定要让他们知道,你并不想过悠闲隐退的生活。Be sure to let them know that 'you don't want to live a retired life, ' says Mr. Bedi.

塞兰德先生将于今年7月1日从首席执行官位置隐退,为这份14年的工作划上一个终止符。Mr. Selander will retire from the C.E.O. position on July 1, after 14 years in the job.

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1968年5月,当股市一路凯歌的时候,巴菲特却考虑要隐退了。May 1968 when the stock market all the way to triumph Buffett is considered to be faded.

这个人拒绝参加为了已经隐退并卧床不起的金正日而精心准备的生日庆典。The man turned his back on elaborate birthday celebrations for the reclusive and ailing Kim.

总有一天会有充满活力的年轻人出现,并证明他也能做好这件事情,那时候就意味着李纳斯要隐退了。Someday somebody young and energetic will show up and prove that he's really good at this work.

他只在满了八十岁后又过了些日子,这才脱离社交隐退到沼泽区去。He had only retired to the Marais when he quitted society, long after attaining the age of eighty.

尽管逐渐淘汰IPv4可能还需要一段时间,但到那时候,IPv4互联网就可以隐退了。At that point, the IPv4 Internet can be retired, although the final phasing-out may take some time.

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如果你沉溺于网络生活,而忽略了现实世界,那你真该在互联网隐退了。If your online life is taking over your real life, it could be time to erase yourself from the internet.

看看她白金级的电影履历,就很难对她的隐退表示异议——为何要破坏这样的完美?Looking at her platinum acting CV it's hard to argue against her retirement – why ruin something perfect?

但由于父权制度的确立,“双性同体”思想逐渐从主流文化中隐退。Because of the establishment of the patriarchy, androgyny gradually retreated from the mainstream society.