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好重新做个周全地生活计划!Good makes to live completely the plan!

不要听他那考虑不周全的主意!Don't listen to his inconsiderable idea.

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他们非常周全地照顾着我。They were incredibly conscientious about me.

大夫为病人做了周全搜检。The doctor gave the patient a thorough check-up.

不要听他那考虑不周全的主意!Don't listen to his idea that is inconsiderable !

对凯撒的使臣,我们可要礼数周全。We must show all honours to the ambassadors of Caesar.

但还是有一些问题是需要考虑周全的。However, some issues should be taken into consideration.

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首先,我们必需周全地考虑这个问题。To begin with, we must consider the problem all sidedly.

每一半年去看一次牙医,做一次周全清洁或者检查。See your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check up.

制订周全谐协的人口政策。To establish a coherent and comprehensive population policy.

它总是考虑周全,让光与影平衡处之。It took everything into consideration, balancing shadow with light.

小雨暗下决心,逃跑计划一定要想得周全一些。Drizzle dark determined to escape a comprehensive plan must try some.

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配备周全的一切让这栋地产上升到奢华的新高度。From top to bottom, this unmatched estate unlocks a new life of luxury.

总之,普拉斯·塞克里斯认为把你保护的很好很周全。In short, Pius Thicknesse thinks he's got you cornered good and proper.

不过,危机的特点向来是把考虑周全的议程全盘打乱.Crises, however, have a long history of tearing up well-thought out agendas.

更周全、更完备的为客户考虑,为您提供最优质的增值服务。Consider more completely for clients and provide the best value-added service.

要依照周全的计划,指导心思顺着正当的方向。The mind should be directed in the right channel, according to well-formed plans.

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诚然,我们并非在每次祷告的时候,都周全地兼顾这五方面的祷告。We may not be able to include all of these five kinds of prayer every time we pray.

蕴含天然植物成分,提供肌肤周全的保护。Containing the natural floristic ingredients, it can considerately protect your skin.

他带我完成了整个试用期,他的细心周全令人放心,他的耐心敬业令人敬佩。He has taken me through the trial with reassuring thoroughness and admirable patience.