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没有耐心是我们社会的通病。Impatience is a disease in our society.

这是基因治疗中的通病This is a common problem in gene therapy.

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自鸣得意是大多数公司的通病。The problem with most compa-nies is complacency.

大凡男权社会的男人,都有这种通病。In a sexist male society, that's a common illness.

有好些飞行员有个通病,以为他们晓飞,就知架飞机怎飞。They can fly an aeroplane, but do not know how it flies.

可操作性差是国内许多企业的通病。Maneuverability is home to many enterprise's common failing.

不知道自己的无知,是无知者的通病。To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of ignorance.

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发音不好是这班同学的通病。Bad pronunciation is a common fault among students in this class.

你知道,好奇是我们女人家的通病,这是真的。Curiosity you know is the curse of our sex, and that 's the fact.

也许,这是现代年轻人的通病,渴望感情,但又自我保护得厉害,不敢轻易尝试。Maybe it is commen in morden time. eager love, but afraid of love.

人性的通病我无法免俗,甚至还有更多的问题。The common failing of human nature I can not escape, or even more.

“大媒体时代”的标题通病是长和粗。The common fault of "Mass Media Age" is lengthiness and roughness.

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大多数现代化的住宅都有一个通病——实用但不美观。Most modern houses are much of a muchness—functional but unattractive.

帅男似乎都存在一个通病,即他们缺少个性。It seems the problem with attractive men is that they lack personality.

在质量通病防治过程中,有些材料和工程某些部位容易出现空鼓。Some materials and the surface of construction work suffer air hole easily.

对于首次创业的企业家们而言,对VC的恐惧是一个通病,是一种自然而然的恐惧。Fear of VCs is a common problem for first time entrepreneurs.It is a natural fear.

高填路堤的变形破坏是公路工程质量通病之一。The deformation and destroying of high embankment is the common problem of high way.

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二次衬砌顶部脱空已成为比较严重的隧道质量通病。The separation on the top of secondary liner is one of the common failures of tunnel.

过分追求大而全,是国企的一大通病。Being too large and all-encompassing is a common defect among state-owned enterprises.

水泥砂浆地面起砂、空鼓是常见的质量通病。The sugaring and hollowing of cement plaster pavement are common faults in construction.