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所以我指明thankful是true值。So I said thankful to true.

她给我指明去邮局的路。She directed me to the post office.

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请指明最靠近的太平门位置。Please locate the nearest emergency exit.

指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵。Department to specify its pure and precious.

我再次指明,打印参数的新行。I'm again, saying print argument's new line.

那人指明他的任务是来营救他们。The man designated his job was to rescue them.

第二个DWORD的值指明用户的响应The value of the second DWORD indicates user's

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在此观点上有几点事情要指明A couple of things to point out about this view.

作为父母,我们有义务为她指明方向。It's our right as parents to give her direction.

若有请指明该员工姓名及隶属部门。If "Yes", Please state name and department below.

警察给我指明去购物中心的路。The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.

三个代表为党风建设指明了方向。"Three Represents" serves as a guiding principle.

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它指明屏幕上的“当前位置”。It pinpoints the "current position" on the screen.

我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了。I must point out that further delay will be unwise.

我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了。I must point out that further delay would be unwise.

但是他获得的诺贝尔奖给他的政策指明了方向。The direction that was indicated by the Nobel Prize.

规定还指明,纹身必须被衣物所覆盖。The policy also states that tattoos must be covered.

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柴姑给他指明了回宫的路。She gave him directions for getting back to his palace.

绿草和鲜花都指明了方向。The grasses and the flowers are all pointing out the Way.

区域则指明了MS寻呼的路由区。Area indicates the routeing area in which the MS is paged.