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他就是前任副总统。He is the past vice-president.

你使我念起我的前任女友。You remind me of my ex-girlfriend.

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他是捷诺亚的前任王子。He was the crown prince of Genovia.

我的前任老板是一个很爱烦躁的人。My ex-boss was a very uptight person.

谁是前任总干事?Who are the former Directors-General?

避免说前任上司的坏话。Avoid bad-mouthing previous employers.

这位出生于阿拉巴马的前任首席运营官是个什么样的人?What is the Alabama-born former COO like?

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我不能从心里恨我“前任”最好的朋友!I can't hate my ex-best friend in my heart!

丰田前任IT经理Kuriowa-santhe former IT manager of Toyota, Kuriowa-san

你经常叫她时会叫到你前任女友的名字。Call her by your ex-girlfriend’s name. Often.

前任大副在船得过斑疹伤寒症。The former chief has got typhus fever on board.

你的前任开始卖弄风情,千万别取悦他们。An ex is flirting, do not entertain them please.

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不要说你当前或前任雇主的坏话Don't badmouth your current or previous employer

是总理大臣或前任总理大臣的英国国会下议院成员。Great Britain who is a minister or an ex-minister.

希思先生是英国前任首相。Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.

前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.

前总统。前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.

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和你的前任维持朋友关系是不可能的事情。It's impossible to retain a friendship with your ex.

与前任在一起的经历对我们是会有所帮助还是阻碍?Will our experiences with our exes help or hinder us?

这颗钻石的前任藏家为珠宝商哈利·温斯顿。The diamond was formerly owned by jeweler Harry Winston.