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说话从容些,不要急急忙忙,不要含糊其辞!Take your time and don't gabble!

他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation.

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当我向苹果询问这个问题时,他们的回复含糊其辞。When I ask Apple this, they're vague in their response.

那只不过是一个恼羞成怒的诈骗犯所编造的含糊其辞的指控。It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

如果其答案是含糊其辞的,那么美国人必须做最坏的打算。If the answer is mumbling the Americans will assume the worst.

即使中国政府谈及审查制度含糊其辞。Even the Chinese government hesitates to talk about censorship.

为什么,我们容忍解剖学对女性性器官如此的含糊其辞?Why do we tolerate such anatomic equivocation of women’s genitals?

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一方认为“性工作者”这一称呼是危险的含糊其辞的委婉说法。One side regards "sex worker" as a dangerously obfuscatory euphemism.

请马上预备回答我的问题,不要含糊其辞。Please answer my questions quickly and properly, not palter with them.

至于模棱两可,含糊其辞的话,那是不能持久的。As for equivocations, or oraculous speeches, they cannot hold out long.

对品行推荐书的要求时常会得到含糊其辞的回答。Requests for character references are all too often answered evasively.

阿封隔器是一种工具,压缩,加密或含糊其辞的可执行文件。A packer is a tool that compresses, encrypts or obfuscates executable files.

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与往常一样,对于细节信息,他依然含糊其辞,因此我来给他提个建议吧。As usual he’s being vague about the details, so I have a suggestion for him.

红十字会含糊其辞,声称这名女子是其为“商业合作伙伴”的女友。She was the girlfriend of what the agency murkily called a "business partner."

对金氏家族的宣传持续不断,但矫饰过分,时不时又含糊其辞,让人摸不着头脑。The promotion of the family is constant yet baroque and at times strangely coy.

迄今,我们的政界对于这些繁杂的事实的表述已经变得明显的含糊其辞。Yet our politics has become strikingly coy about expressing these mottled truths.

住在洛杉矶,我知道发展执行员含糊其辞的方言。Living in Los Angeles, I recognized the evasive patois of the development executive.

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当候选人被直接问到有关她对裁军的态度时,她只是含糊其辞。When asked directly for her position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.

高飞向高主任申请进修,高主任含糊其辞。Goofy to apply for further education, director of the high, high, director of ambiguity.

每次有人问我为什么离开2046,我总是含糊其辞。Whenever someone asked why I left 2046, I always gave them some vague answer. It was easier.