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趁热打铁。抓住时机。Seize time by the forelock.

趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is hot.

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我们要趁热打铁。We must strike while the iron is hot.

我们要趁热打铁。We should strike while the iron is hot.

教师一生气就敲桌子。趁热打铁。The teacher truck the table whenever he was angry.

激励是以急促爆发的方式到来的,要趁热打铁。Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it's hot.

目前乃趁热打铁之最佳时机。Now is the time to strike. The iron could not be hotter.

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你建议要趁热打铁。这个建议很好。Your suggestion, to strick while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea.

你建议趁热打铁,这个建议很好。Your suggestion, to strike while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea.

我建议你还是趁热打铁吧。时间不等人呀。I suggest that you strike while the iron is hot. Time waits for nobody.

集装箱市场运输也趁热打铁,热闹非凡。Container market is carried also strike while iron is hot, lively and extraordinary.

有些航空股票正在低价卖出,我必须趁热打铁,及时购进。Some good airline stock is offered at a low price, I must strike while the iron is hot.

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你知道我的理论是什么吗?说!好事成说,运气好就要趁热打铁。You know my theory? Go on. It comes in streaks. Gotta be willing to push your luck when it's hot.

进行客户满意调查的最佳时间是趁热打铁。The best time to conduct a customer satisfaction survey is when the experience is fresh in their minds.

我们决定趁热打铁,在奥运期间,对我们的产品进行推广。We decided to strike while the iron is hot and began to market the product around the time of the Olympics.

我的想法是,为了推动中墨关系加快发展,必须趁热打铁、乘势而上。I think it is important that we build on the positive momentum to boost the growth of China-Mexico relations.

贝尼特斯还希望他们能趁热打铁再拿下阿斯顿维拉。The Spaniard then focussed on the task at hand, and hoped that the winning mentality would continue against Villa.

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但是Sita也表明,在非洲的投资收益是值得冒险的,投资公司应该趁热打铁。But Sita says the rewards for investing in Africa match the risks and companies should "strike while the iron is hot."

如果不趁热打铁,你就什么都没有了不管怎样,我都要去看做秀时刻的最后一段。If you don't strike while the iron is hot, it'll pass you by. Whatever. I'm gonna go see this last episode of Showtime.

约翰的疑神疑鬼让他终身受苦,他经常因为害怕背叛而裹足不前,结果丧失了趁热打铁的大好机会。John's paranoia would overwhelm him, and instead of striking while the iron was hot, he would hesitate for fear of betrayal.