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物镜聚焦最靠近载片为何者?。Which objective focuses closest to the slide?

此物镜仅产生很小的散射光。This objective produces only very little scattered light.

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因此对这标本需采用大数值孔径的物镜。Hence the value of high numerical aperture for such specimens.

并给出了对两个显微物镜测量的结果。Measuring results of two microscope objectives were also given.

物镜,光学拾取器,记录器和重现设备。Objective lens, optical pickup device, recorder and reproducer.

圆偏振光经物镜聚焦后射到光盘上。The circularly polarized light is then focused down onto the disk.

图所示为三种不同倍率的物镜下的图形。This is illustrated in Figure 3 using three different magnifications.

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采用波差法进行复消色物镜的光学设计。Optical design of apochromatic objective used wave disparity method in this paper.

型还拥有测量物镜与压头自动切换装置。Type D also owns objective magnification and indenter automatic switching devices.

设计了一种新的紫外或深紫外光刻物镜。The design of a new kind of UV or DUV lithography lenses is described in this paper.

同理,选取不同的玻璃组合,也能设计出高质量的复消色摄影物镜。In the same way, we can design the apochromatic photograph objective by different glasses.

该物镜红外透过率高、相对孔径大、分辨率较高。The objective has high infrared transmission, large relative aperture and high resolution.

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最后,介绍了折反射式长焦距物镜的设计。Finally the design of a refracting-reflecting objective with long focal length is represented.

另一样令我不解的是为何宾得不给物镜也配上镜头盖呢?I'm also somewhat mystified at Pentax's failure to provide lens caps for the objective lenses.

本文分析了高斯光束经里斯特显微物镜的聚焦特性。The focusing characteristics of Gaussian beam through the List microscope objective is analyzed.

针对物镜筒注塑件,设计了一种内收式二瓣牙内螺纹模具结构。Designed a injection mold with two teeth threaded core-pulling mechanism for the objective slide.

新型FCT三片式也使用多层镀膜萤石物镜以获得最大的通光量。The new FCT triplets also utilize multi-coated fluorite objectives for maximum light transmission.

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认为20倍物镜采集的数码图像比较适合作虚拟切片。We consider that the digital image acquired by 20x object lens is suitable to be the virtual slide.

高品质的物镜,如配有高品质的防反射涂层,最大程度地降低了对光源的要求。Better quality objectives, e. g. with high quality antireflection coatings, minimize the need of light.

十字线的像的尺寸取决于准直仪物镜的焦距和待测样品的焦距。Objective and the focal length of the specimen to be measured. The measurement of the size of the reticle.