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考虑你的听众。Consider your audience.

我是你的忠实听众。I'm your honest listener.

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考虑一下你的听众。Think about your audience.

古典音乐的听众年纪可能大一些。it could be older audience.

我倾向于面对我的听众。I prefer to face my listener.

我的听众是多方面的。My audience is multi-faceted.

那是蛇怪,听众朋友们。That's a basilisk, listeners.

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听众笑了起来发出一阵骚动。The crowd laughed and whooped.

听众要求歌唱者再演唱一次。The audience encored the singer.

一位著名的演员在唱歌前向家乡的听众Have you heard my singing before?

听众们听得如痴如醉。The audience listens in ecstasies.

我的建议是多去了解你的听众。My advice is to know your audience.

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听众也会打电话进来询求建议。Listeners call in to ask for advice.

有的妇女在听众席上生了孩子。Some women gave birth in the stands.

听众把演讲者轰下台来。The audience hooted off the speaker.

听众把演讲者轰下台来。The orator set the audience on fire.

他的演讲一点也引不起听众的兴趣。His speech fell flat on the audience.

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听众都感动得流了泪。The audience were all moved to tears.

听众把演讲人嘘下台。The audience groaned the speaker down.

听众都在聚精会神地听着。The audience are absorbed in listening.