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他和孩子是忘年交。He is a friend and children.

他成了我的忘年交也为我带来启发。He inspires me and becomes a good friend of mine.

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忘年交倒是可能的。It is, however, possible for "friendship regardless of ages".

莫妮卡和理查医生不顾世俗压力开始忘年交。Despite their age difference, Richard and Monica begin dating.

从监狱逃出来的萨姆·吉伦与偶遇的男孩穆基成了忘年交。Sam escaped from prison and the occasional boy Muji Gillen became close friends.

这位学生和老教授成了忘年交。The student and the elderly professor became friends despite their age difference.

我们很快成了忘年交,在后来的三个月中,一到下课我们就一起走出教室,聊个没完。Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop.

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她是巴宝丽的代言人,与“时尚大帝”卡尔是“忘年交”。She is the spokesperson of Burberry and gets on well with fashion leader Karl Largerfield.

明这时已经和赵珊的父亲成了忘年交,赵爸爸带他去了好多地方,他们一起穿过白雪覆盖的乡间和公园。Ming, firm friends with Zhao Shan's father, is often taken through the countryside and parks in the snow.

虽然有时候她也许没成为自己的忘年交或是不同意自己的观点,但她仍然是自己妈妈!Though at times she may not be the best of friends or may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!

在一次试验他发明的时光机器时,他找来了忘年交高中生马丁。When the time machine that in experiment he invents, he looked for high school of friendship between generations to give birth to Martin.

这也是我为什么谢绝大部分酒席晚餐的邀请,而且除了和一些忘年交我很少和同事一起去宴会。That's why I decline invitations for dinner for the most part, and very rarely go to enkais aside from a couple of bounenkais with co-workers.

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在瑞典的最后一天,一个忘年交朋友邀请我们到他的夏日别墅做客,成为我们体验瑞典高品质生活的高潮。In the last day in Sweden, an old friend invited us to his summer house 30 km away from Stockholm on a freshwater island. This visit culminated our experience of the high quality life in Sweden.