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政治常制造一些奇怪的同床异梦者。Politics makes strange bedfellows.

因而我和爱便同床异梦。Therefore I'll lie with love, and love with me.

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科学和种族长期以来一直同床异梦。Science and race have long been uneasy bedfellows.

有些夫妇保持着名义上的婚姻却也同床异梦Some couples stay married but form new relationships, too.

单元测试和网络应用程序不快乐同床异梦。Unit testing and web applications to be unhappy bedfellows.

即便如此,中国和俄罗斯似乎也是同床异梦。Even then, Beijing and Moscow look uncomfortable bedfellows.

这对夫妻同床异梦,各有各的打算。The couple sleep in the same bed but dream different dreams.

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在心中充满无尽痛苦时,你还在与人同床异梦吗?Are you cooking with another one with the endless pain from your heart?

除了古怪之外,技术官僚和专制早就已经同床异梦。Crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows.

这对夫妇虽已结婚多年,但有同床异梦之感。Though the couple have had years of marriage, they have a sense of strange bedfellows.

你知道,这是真的,出于某种原因,爱情和金钱能够使人同床异梦。You know, it's true, and for some reason, romance and money make very uneasy bedfellows.

自由企业横行也与官方意识形态同床异梦。Rampant free enterprise also lives uncomfortably alongside the country's official ideology.

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那两个贼只不过是同床异梦的利益伙伴,他们合作盗窃但又彼此防范。The two thieves really are strange bedfellows , sharing the same job but totally suspicious of each other.

真到了曲终人散、同床异梦的地步,要尽快找到一个可以救赎自己的方法。Really to come to a close, Strange Bedfellows the point, as soon as possible to find a way to save himself.

纠纷的积累,夫妻从隔阂而戒备,俗称“同床异梦”。The accumulation of the dispute, the husband and wife and estrangement from the alert, known as the "Strange Bedfellows ."

自己要追求运作标准,办理有力地,贯彻始终,同床异梦地精溢工场。I would like to pursue legal operation, and management of strong, concerted efforts and work together to fine overflow facility.

电视剧将明快讲述生活在同一屋檐下同床异梦的两人之间发生的种种趣事。What follows is a fun narration of the crazy and fun happenings between the two roommates living together, but with very different ideas.

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但是,如果我们像一个常用的成语所说的那样同床异梦,相互间的关系永远不可能健康发展。But, as the well-known proverb observes, even if we share the same bed, our relationship can never flourish if we persist in different dreams.

这样,中央政府、地方政府、房地产商在三年的同床异梦后,终于又似乎达成一致目标了。Thus, Central authorities, Local authority, real estate business after three year being strange bedfellows , finally as if achieved the consistent goal.

而上市后,各机场恐怕也是同床异梦,难保二级市场给予投资者满意回报。After appearing on the market , each airport is also to be strange bedfellows perhaps, disaster is insured secondary market gives investor satisfactory repayment.