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新书桌上已被刻得乱七八糟。New desk was snicked badly.

心里面乱七八糟的。Heart inside the topsy-turvy.

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他的办公桌总是乱七八糟的。His desk is always in a mess.

我的房间乱七八糟。My room is at sixes and sevens.

他使每件事翻搅得乱七八糟。He turns everything upside down.

他的房间乱七八糟的。His room is at sixes and sevens.

他把他的房间弄得乱七八糟。He left his room all topsy-turvy.

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办公室被弄的乱七八糟。The office was turned upside-down.

一定要扔掉那些乱七八糟的东西。Be sure to get rid of any knickknacks.

一切似乎都是乱七八糟。Everything seemed at sixes and sevens.

这男孩把房间弄得乱七八糟的。The man do the room at sixes or nines.

你看看你的房间,什么都是乱七八糟的。Everything is topsy-turvy in your room.

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他进了蟠桃园尽情的吃桃子,他把天宫的房子都弄得乱七八糟。He makes a mess in each room in heaven.

她的房间总是乱七八糟的。Her room is always at sixes and sevens.

婴儿将那团线弄得乱七八糟。The baby raveled the reel of thread up.

谁把我的书摆弄得乱七八糟了?Who's been pissing about with my books?

因此,我的行动是乱七八糟。Thus, my action was at sixes and sevens.

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你的房间乱七八糟的,赶快扫一扫吧!You're room is such a mess! Clean it up!

他总是把他的房间弄得乱七八糟。He always leaves his room all topsy-turvy.

这男孩把房间弄得乱七八糟的。The boy made the room at sixes and sevens.